Stars | Teen Ink


January 21, 2014
By Anonymous

It was the dead of night up north at my cottage. Everything was so calm and still that even the smallest of sounds could be heard from a mile away. I was eight lying in bed supposedly asleep. But there was no way I could have fell asleep until I did something that was very important to me at that time. The moment arrived and it could not have been more ideal. My parents were asleep, lights off, and the dog in his crate. I sit up and head for the door of my bedroom. I squeezed the brass handle connected to the white wooden door as tight as I could in hopes that it would stop the squeaking of opening it.
Once I was out of my room I turn left to head for the the fridge. As I tip toed through the cottage with each step I take sounding like a hundred twigs breaking beneath my feet. Unable to see anything because of the darkness so the sounds were inevitable. I grab an empty glass and the un opened jug of milk. I twist the top and hear the popping of the fresh cap breaking off. As I poured into the glass the jug wobbled because my hands were shaking trying my hardest not spill it everywhere. I filled the glass to the brim and made my way to the back door. When I stepped outside the cool air brushed up against my face prickling with contact. I took a deep breath in. The cool air sent a chill through my lungs and down my spine. I could see the outline of my dock down the path. As I was walking, there was a transition from cement to grass. The wet moss, grass, and mud squished and squashed on my bare feet.The darkness consumed the nature around me but I was still able to see the shadow of my dock. So I continued.
As I was walking the ground changed seemed abrupt. It went from grass to wood. I was giddy with anticipation as I rushed to the end of the dock. I looked up. The whole night sky was lit up with thousands of stars. There was no moon so it made the amount of stars look even greater. All I remembered was saying words like “amazing”, “breathtaking”, and “astonishing”, I was trying to find the dippers because at the time that was all I knew. It was mesmerizing. I counted every satellite rushing by, every star I could, and every flash that passed by. I sat on my dock for what seemed like hours. At that moment I felt calm and content. I sneaked back into my house which took just as long as sneaking out and went back to my room. Before I fell back asleep I whispered to myself “Its amazing how the smallest things in life can be the most relaxing.” I fell asleep in seconds.
Although today I do not get as uncontrollably excited about star watching. I still live by the motto of “you got to enjoy the little things.” It has not steered me wrong yet.

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