Someone Special | Teen Ink

Someone Special

January 21, 2014
By Briannamariee1 BRONZE, Gray, Maine
Briannamariee1 BRONZE, Gray, Maine
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

There was someone special in my life who meant everything to me. He was my hero; he was my dad. I never got to spend too much time with him, but when I did I cherished every moment.He had a passion for his cars and his Harley Davidson motorcycle, as well as his dog lady. My mom and dad got divorced when I was really little. He drilled wells with his dad, my grandfather, with the family business, for a living. This guy meant everything to me.

A few years later around 2001, we got a phone call. He had gotten in a really bad car accident. I didn't really know what was going on because I was around 5 years old. All my mom told me every time I went to see him was, "Daddy's okay" and "Everything will be okay". Turns out, it was worse than we expected. From the car accident he got a massive brain injury and he ended up being paralyzed from his waist down, making it so he would never be able to walk or have movement for the rest of his life. He also lost full movement in his right wrist so it was just clenched together all the time.

When he was getting ready to be released from the hospital, we needed to think who would be taking care of him. We ended up deciding to put him at a facility in Kennebunk, Maine, but they weren't the best people suited for him. Afew years later we decided to move him into Coastal manor, in Yarmouth Maine! It was by far the hardest thing ever, not being able to wake up, get a hug or a kiss, or an I love you every day. While he was there I couldn't see him every day. I could only see him maybe a couple times a week. A couple years later he started to lose his capability to talk, no one really knew why. Every time I'd go in to see him it was hard because I couldn't have a conversation with him. When I'd go in he would look at me and he would push out the words, "I love you"; even if sometimes he mouthed the words to me because he couldn't say it. Sometimes when I went into see him, he didn't know who I was. Most of the times he did, but there were some times he didn't, which was extremely hard for me.

He was at a rehab facility for about 9-10 years. Until May 11th, 2012 we had gotten told that he had a cold and it would pass by. A couple days later on May 13th, 2012 my mom got a call from my grandmother at 1:15am saying my dad had passed away. After my mom got the phone call, she was in tears. I knew something was wrong when she woke me up. I didn't want to believe it. I really didn't. I've never cried so much in my life. I've never felt so saddened in my life. Later on that day, the immediate family met at the funeral home to say their last goodbyes before he was cremated. I went into the room with my mom, looked at his body just laying there on the bed, wishing he was still here.

He was my bestfriend, my world, my heart, not only my daddy, but my hero. I still, to this day, miss him more than anything in the world. It hurts to think he won't be watching me graduate high school and getting my diploma, or being the man to walk me down the aisle..or that he will never be able to meet his grandchildren. My bestfriend, my world, my hero, most importantly, the reason I'm here is gone. My dad is gone but never forgotten. Fly high daddy. I love you.

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