Who I want to be | Teen Ink

Who I want to be

January 20, 2014
By GuoWeiRong BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
GuoWeiRong BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Back in 5th grade my brother came to America from China. We picked him up from a airport at New York close to Manhattan. When I saw him I was really happy, I didn’t know him right off the bat but still I was really happy. This was the first time I have seen my brother in flesh and that was the first time that he seen me. As he started to settle here I slowly come to realized that I wanted to be like him. He was strong willed, he would never give up if he fails the first couple times, and most of all he was nice to our parents. When you were a kid you don’t really notice things till you start to grow up. As I got older I started to realized he was not someone that I wanted to be.

Now he’s not the brother that I knew. Everything changed from how we was before. He gets frustrated everytime he tries to do something and fails at it, and then gives up on it. Something would be like when he was trying to do his homework. He was just doing it till he got stuck and couldn’t figure out what to do. He go so mad and started to throw punches at the wall. I don’t want to be someone like that. I want to try again even if I fail multiple times.

Secondly, he started to become mean to our parents. Everyone thing my parents say he has to respond with something. One time our parents was saying “don’t play on the computer too much it’s bad for you” he replied with “stop talking you guys are annoying.” My parents mean something to me, I just can’t say something like that to them.

Jealousy was also something that I really hated about my brother as I was growing up. He was always comparing my 10 year self to him when he was 16. He always felt that our parents have loved me more than him, which was not true. You can’t expect a 10 to be treated like a 16 year old. He thought it should be fair and be treated the same way. One example of our parents loving us was about 7 years back. My dad took us to bestbuy to buy our own DS. He doesn’t just only let one of us get one, but he let both of us get one. He wanted us to be equal and not just let one have more than the other.

Even to this day he still complains about how our parents supposedly love me more than him. I guess people just change as they grow up. Some of them change for the better and some change for the worse. The sad part however was that my brother changed for the worse. But, because of him I realized he was not the person that I wanted to be, instead I wanted to be myself someone different from him.

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