The Skunk | Teen Ink

The Skunk

January 14, 2014
By Rebecca Munger BRONZE, Grand Rapids, Michigan
Rebecca Munger BRONZE, Grand Rapids, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

As I was safe and sound asleep. And I swear I heard something,
I woke up to my dad screaming, “Becky, Joani shut your door fast!”

My dog was barking like someone was hurting her. I was freaking out.

It felt like it was 12:00 in the morning to me. I mean come on. Really, I was having the best dream ever, why now?

I yelled for my Dad, but no answer, he was already out the door. I slammed my door in curiosity in what was happening. I was running down the stairs, and almost fell to my doom.

“What’s going on?” I mumbled to myself.

“Oh my goodness. Where is my mom?” I thought. My heart dropped.

“MOM!” I said hoping she wasn't dead.

The hairs on my back and arms stood up, so high a person from a mile away could see the fear coming out of me. I thought so much of “what ifs and what happens if”. All these thoughts running through my head is killing me.

I run quietly to the window in case there was a killer because if I headed outside the killer could shoot me. I look out in a nerve-wrecking way. The first thing I spot was a black van. I mean you see killers and creepers in any kind of van, I stared at it, I think it was that crazy teenager who is in a band and drives that.

Then I spot my dad outside. “Why are they outside! what the heck!” I looked closely, but there was frost on the window and it was pitch black outside so i could hardly see anything. I blew on the window and wiped across it with my sleeve so i could see a clear view. My eyes bolted out of my head. I spotted them on my back porch. I moved to the next window so i could see a better glimpse but i could hardly see anything!

Then I run outside and my whole body up to down almost froze to death, And i wasn't wearing any shoes so that made ten times worse. I sprinted over to my parents to see what all the commotion was about.

“What are you doing?” I screamed In curiosity.

“What are you doing! She screamed. “It’s a school night what were are you thinking young lady!” She yelled.

“Jeez mom calm down. What was I supposed to do. I’m not going to sit in bed and try to go to sleep knowing that you and dad are outside doing God knows what”. I said.

“Adele got skunked,” my mom explained.

“I went to go let the dogs out to go potty, and before I could turn my head Adele runs off out of my arms and I accidentally let go of the leash. So I look around and yell her name running around the yard freaking out, and I see her trying to bite this figure. So I run over to her and try to grab her. Next thing you know the skunk lifts its tail and sprays her right in the face.!”
“Ha-Ha!” I laughed.

“It’s not funny she’s throwing up and sneezing she does not feel good that must have been terrible”! She screams and shaking her head in shocking fear.

My dog looked like she was having a seizure, it was actually really bad. I realized i wasn't a joke at all, and knowing how my dog is, it was really weird. My dog thinks she is the baddest of everyone in the world, she is very “overprotective” too. She barks if someone pulls into our driveway. The worst part? When people come over and we have to hold her down because she will jump on them and bark because she doesn’t recognize their face. Yeah, she’s crazy...

“I’m sorry mom.” I said regretful.
I don’t think she heard me she was too freaked out about the whole situation she could hardly focus. My mom and dad were hosing her off and scrubbing her to try and get the smell out. It didn't exactly work.

She then said, “Don’t stand there do something!” She yelled.
“What do you want me to do?” I asked her.
“Please go turn on the bath and get it ready. I will be in there in a minute. Oh, and bring me a towel.” she said.
“Okay.” I sighed.

Then I speed walked into the bathroom and turned on the bath, and searched around the closet looking for a towel. I was so sleepy I could hardly think of where they were located.

“Finally. I sighed.”

I found them. I ran to the door and tossed the towel out to my mom. She tried to dry her off. My dog kept trying to shake the water of herself and get my mom and dad wet. When she finally calmed down, and she was dry enough to come in, we brought her into the bathroom. My dog is a pit bull, so she is really heavy and strong. It was a lot of work to get her into the bathtub.

We tried everything to get rid of the smell. The first night: dog soap. No help at all. The second night: our shampoo. Then finally, my mom’s friend told us tomato juice works.

“Tomato juice! Oh my golly how could I not have thought of that!” My mom screeched in excitement. So we tried that, no success. She smelled like skunk for at least what seemed like two weeks. It seemed impossible to get that darn smell out.

Lesson learned… only dad lets her out.

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