Get A Rush | Teen Ink

Get A Rush

December 5, 2013
By CalebHoman SILVER, West Valley, New York
CalebHoman SILVER, West Valley, New York
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Pain hurts but only for a minute life short so go ahead and live it cause the chicks dig it" - Chris Cagle.

Speeding, falling, flying, running: adrenaline! I’m what you call an adrenaline junkie—someone who likes to get high off of a natural hormone. I’m a sucker for anything that can get my heart rushing and peel my eyes open wide. I would climb to the tops of trees just to see the world and feel the rush of the wind through my hair.

I was the only kid besides my cousin who could jump their bike at age four, no matter the size of the ramp. My ultimate passion is currently riding dirt bikes: Honda CRF-125s and 250s. You can flash from point A to B, whip berms, burn ruts, and soar like an eagle. This might sound strange, but I also loved to fall—that slow-motion moment where your body Goes through the slowest second of time over whelmed by hopelessness followed by an explosion of pain. I’ve fallen off my bike more times than Lindsey Lohan has gone to rehab, and each scar tells a story of the life I lived on motorcycles.

I’ve never turned down the challenge of a new action. Snowboarding was the hardest to get down. I thought I broke my tailbone one time from falling. I had to walk down the rest of the hill taunted by the jeers of lift riders; I thought I’d never be good. But once I had it down, I loved it. I loved every part of it: the cold air brushing my face, the fast speed of acceleration downhill, the spray of snow from beneath my board. And though I admittedly despise the winter months, I now look forward to fresh powder and windburn.

My bucket list is brimming: skydiving, piloting, bull riding. No rollercoaster to date can compare to those rushes. Chris Cagel said, “Pain hurts, but only for a minute.

Yeah life is short so go on and live it ‘cause the chicks dig it.” Likewise, my idol Travis Pastrana embraces this concept, and I fully intend to do every possible sport that gives you a rush, hopefully limiting my number of broken bones.

Life is short, I know. You don’t want to rush it, but why now throw a little rush in it?

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