The Little Mermaid Jr. | Teen Ink

The Little Mermaid Jr.

November 5, 2013
By Eddie Payzant BRONZE, Plymouth, Massachusetts
Eddie Payzant BRONZE, Plymouth, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Two minutes to show time! I hear hollered from the stage manager. It was the opening night for PCIS’s spring musical musical (The Little Mermaid Jr.) We have been working on this musical for three months. Everyone was nervous and everyone was freaking out! As I walk out on the stage a huge shot of nervousness came over me I felt petrified. As I walk behind the close curtains on to the relieved I should not be nervous I should feel glad. Glad that I made it this far and glad that I’m doing what I love! Then I felt victorious! I could hear the chatter of the audience members from behind the closed blue curtains and I could see the crew members running around like chickens with their heads chopped off. And I could hear everyone saying “good luck!” and “break a leg” so I decided to stop standing like a loser and say good luck to everyone! Then I could see their the curtains the light go down and then I knew it was show time and I could hear Mrs. Fuller (the directer) politely announce could yo“Welcome to the opening night of PCISs spring musical The Little Mermaid Jr. and then the curtain opened.

At that moment I completely felt alive.With all of those faces staring right at me I really didn’t know what to think, they were so blank, because of them being so blank do they think it obnoxious, did they think it was absolutely amazing? where they ready to throw something at us or did they just not know to think? Then I could taste the broadway show tunes lyrics jump out my mouth into the audience ears. It was a sailor song introducing the audience to the show, “I’ll tell you the tail of a bottomless blue in its hey to the stuburt hey ho”. About half way there the song the music stops for Prince Eric and Grimsey to recite their lines to each other. . I can smell the sweat from the actors beside me and I can see their nervousness which makes me feel alot better. Then the music starts back up and start I singing again,
“Theres mermaids out their in bottomless blue and its hey to the stadburd hey ho watch out for them lad or you’ll to your ruined in mysterious fathoms belong” Then stage blacked out for us to exit to backstage in a rapidly fashion.

Then as I get backstage for everyone saying to me “great job!” and reply to everyone “thank you so much!” Then I wait their waiting for the next scene to come. As I’m waiting for the scene to come that I’m in I go see my friends from the other side of the pitch black backstage and we were goofly reacting the scenes by using hand gestures and mouthing the words. And I’m wondering have we really had that many rehearsals that we know every word to the entire show.

Then I got called over to get in position for the next scene the song was “Under The Sea” I love that song so much! It alway put me in greatest mood, maybe this is why I love this song so much! When this song is performed what happens is Sebastian recites his song lyrics to Ariel then at the second line me and all my other fellow sailors go out on the sidelines looking over the audience members with fishing poles kinda like where fishing for the audience members and then the fishes jumped out and got in their dancing posites. About half through the song everyone starts to sing. Our part begins with “The fish on the land ain't happy they sad cause they in the bowl, on day when the boss gets hunger guess whos gonna be on the plate!” Then jump into the bouncy chorus “Under the sea, under the sea, darling it's better down wetter take from!” Then we get into sort of fast rhymes and I did not know if could keep up. Can’t see why I wouldn't we've been working on this piece for a month now. But then I pull myself together!

The next scene that I was in was right after “Under The Sea”. It was about us all being on a Prince Erics Ship with Gribsey and Prince Eric talking about about Prince Eric and how he needs to get married. So I was sort of background while this scene is going on. But in the beginning I do something which gives me releve we start off the scene singing some mighty “hey ho, hey ho, hey ho, hey, ho” which I think sort of sound zombieish. Then the lights flickers because of a lightning storm thats going which is also tell me to get off the stage.
It feels like forever until the next scene that I’m in while I'm there waiting I feel some relief, relief that I made it this far, of rehearsals till 5:30PM after school and the 6 hour dress rehearsals and this far into the show without throwing up with nervousness. Then hear that the song “Kiss The Girl” is coming up and I get filled with joy!

As I stand in my line to go in I think back to the first time she gave us this song to do. We could hardly even get thru it then once we added the choreography it turned into a train wreck, wait we would do is if sang we would seem to not be able to dance then if we danced we would seem to not be able to sing. But once we got it down and perfect it truly was perfect if you in that room you got goosebumps! Then I hear my cue which is sebastian singing in a very calm and soothing voice percussion and I come looking a lot like swimming on to the stage with my hands in the with the biggest hugest brightest fake smile ever! then he sings strings and another group comes out then sings winds and another group comes out then he sings words and another group comes out, and the song begins. I feel so happy and lovable as I sing because of the bright smile and the swinging back and forth I was doing. Then when the second chorus starts we circle around the pink boat Prince Eric and Ariel were sitting in, and as I walk pass the audience I feel like a supermodel walking on I run way just like YEAH look at me. Then the song stops and I exit.

Then its a few minutes before the next scene then when it comes I basical stand their as background AGAIN! but really shouldn't complain tho I get to be in their while Prince, The Captain, and Ursal recite their lines to each other. Then its a few more minutes until “The final scene.”

Now the last scene approaches and think “WHAT ITS OVER ALREADY”! I’m relieved because I’m doing what I love but I think now all the rehearsals are going to be over, then I’m sad. But I put on I very happy face for the final scene. I am still very happy. Son the entire cast goes on for Ariel turning back into a human which is such a great and happy scene.Then we all sing “now they can walk now can walk now they can run now they can stay all day in the sun!” Then entire audience cheers with joy! Then during the curtain calls Im so wonderstruck at all the applause at the moment I knew what I wanted to do for the rest of my life! Then it was the next day and I was back in the dressing, and nobody was freaking out and I was so not nervous. Then I heard two minutes to show time!

The author's comments:
This is my favorite play I've ever done

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