Lost in the Woods | Teen Ink

Lost in the Woods

August 26, 2013
By johnnyRocket646 BRONZE, Bremen, Indiana
johnnyRocket646 BRONZE, Bremen, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
good memories come from bad ideas

Driving with a rage inside I was flying through the woods. Bang their goes another small tree I slowed and hadn’t let off the gas I glanced down at my gas meter and I thought i'm in reserve already i've still got one or two miles left . All I could do was hope I could find my way back to the tree stand. And bam I ran into a tree and flipped my quad. I lied their dazed by what had happened. My quad was done their was no way I could ride it back home I thought. My phone was dead and I was in the middle of the woods with no contact to the outside world. I lied their and thought to myself why did I not fill up the gas why was I so stupid. I had to tell myself to just calm down and think what could I do? I sat their and looked for landmarks or a marked tree.

I noticed after a minute or two of walking that I could hear cars or a highway. The only highway near the woods was four or five miles from the stands. Im never gonna get out of these woods I thought then it hit me my dads brother lived in a neighborhood not to far from the highway. So I had two choices risk trying to find the tree stand that was 4-5 miles away or try and walk to my uncles house 15 minutes away. I think this is an easy choice i'm going to set off to my uncles and hope he is home from work. I had to decide what to take with me cause I wouldn't want a whole lot weighing me down. I salvaged my water, bullets, and my 22 the rest was just junk from my dads 5 years of hunting with the quad.

As I walked I had tones to think about, things were flying through my brain will my dad be mad, will my mom kill me cause I almost killed myself out here. I was a little scared I wouldn't find my uncles house. After a half hour of walking I made it o the highway. Finally I knew where I was, it would take me another 5 minutes to get to his house. After I had made it to my uncle Joe's house I felt a feeling of relief hush over my body. “Uncle Joe are you home I yelled”,“ya i'm in the back where in the world have you been your mom called and was worried sick. “well long story short I did't get any squalls I crashed the quad and walked to your house”. “Oh ok so thats what you've been up to” he said in a concerned voice. “You need a ride home I guessing then right”, “ya the quad is totaled so ya that would be nice” I said.

After I arrived home, my mother in one of the most happy and mad voices i've ever heard , said “where in gods name have you been”. “Well uh let me put this in terms that hopefully won't get me killed um I crashed the quad and was lost in the woods, but made my way to uncle joe's house”. “I was so worried about you why didn't you call me”. “Well my phone was dead so I couldn't”. well I guess i'm just happy that your home I thought you would be laying in a ditch dead somewhere, you had me so worried. Well i'm ok but the quad is a whole different story I don't think dad will be to happy about it. “Ya me nether”,mom said in a sarcastic voice. I think we should get you to the hospital and get you taken care of.

The author's comments:
this memoir was written as a class assignment and just wanted some thoughts and ideas on it.

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on Sep. 3 2013 at 10:33 am
johnnyRocket646 BRONZE, Bremen, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
good memories come from bad ideas

this is so cool