Wind Power | Teen Ink

Wind Power

April 3, 2013
By TheLastPilgrimLeft SILVER, North Kingstown, Rhode Island
TheLastPilgrimLeft SILVER, North Kingstown, Rhode Island
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It was a March day perfect for snowboarding and lucky for me I was out there, with the snow around me and my snowboard under my feet I was plowing down Stowe with my family and friends but sadly after about ten or so runs it was almost four the time to head back to the Stowe Flake. We decided to head to Sensation for one last run. It looked fine even though the wind was starting to pick up but we didn’t take any notice to that as we boarded the chairlift, my dad and I on a chair and my mom, sister and her friend to another.

We began the liftoff to the awaiting peaks of snow, then as we neared the opening in the trees we started to slightly sway back and forth as the wind started to brew like a stew and the chair stopped. It then began again only to stop for the second time. We thought that someone had just fallen at the top but we were wrong. The chair started to surge forward again and then a big gust came and swayed us to and fro. It was the closest to risk I had been ever. I ducked my head and my dad followed in my footsteps. We were now about 100 meters from the top. The chair kept swaying and slightly moving forwards but then as we got off a big gust came and knocked us over onto the snow. Now the wind was now probably around 60 miles an hour and whipping through my helmet vents making a whistling noise.

My stomach was wrenched into knots by this time and by the looks of the other’s faces so were theirs. We started to trudge forwards but then kept getting dragged back due to the wind and our snowboards dragging behind us. My mom yelled over the wind, take your snowboards off and crawl, I started to army crawl using my video game skills to maneuver myself across the snow screaming due to fright of falling off the mountain, then reaching Upper Main Street we still couldn’t get our boards back on so we got down on our butts and slid down the trail to the amusement of other bystanders. That was the best part of the whole day. Even thought it was scary I learned that risk is always near but you must coup with it and now I always have a great story to tell.

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