Kennedy | Teen Ink


January 15, 2013
By Anonymous

I am kneeling down in front of her, she’s sitting on the edge of my bed. She’s leaning forward elbows pressed against her thighs, face pressed against her hands. I know that she’s crying and I know that I’m to blame but I don’t know what to do.

How do I make this better? I reach over to put my hand on her Shoulder, she pulls away and says, “Don’t... Touch me.”

Her voice cracks and her once silent cry is no longer silent. She looks up at me long enough for me to see her eyes, tear filled and bloodshot. She gets up and walks into the bathroom slamming the door behind her. I wanna make this better but I know if I push too hard I will lose her forever.

So I don’t i just get up walk over to the bathroom and sit outside the door. She turns on the water trying to muffle the sound of her cries but I can still hear them. I’m trying to imagine my life without her. I’ve known her for years and now one night, one mistake might throw that all away. For a moment I can physically feel my heart breaking. I lean my hand up against the door. She’s still crying not even attempting to hide it. My phone vibrates. It’s a text.

“How’s it going kid, have you told her yet?”
So I reply.
“Yeah man, I really f***ed up this time.”

The author's comments:
Just Read It.

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