The Day I Became One With The World | Teen Ink

The Day I Became One With The World

December 6, 2012
By nutterbutters BRONZE, Carlsbad, California
nutterbutters BRONZE, Carlsbad, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

On that chilly day in November I opened my eyes and knew that it was going to be a spectacular day. A couple days before I had quickly packed my bags and hopped in the car with my friend Yeshe. We were off to stay in a cabin in Mexico. The day was 11/11/11 and driving through the mountains in Mexico was the best way to spend the day. It was a long drive but the scenery was gorgeous. I wouldn't have minded if it went on all day. I never would have thought that the long car ride back home would be even better and more magical than the journey there. When we arrived we explored around the canyon, the cabin was right in the middle of it. We watched the most beautiful sunset and had lots of laughs then went to bed. The next day we climbed one of the biggest mountains in the canyon, it was a thrill. When we reached the top we could see everything around us. Later that night we played charades all together and had a great time then we all went outside to stargaze and take in the beautiful art of nature. It was the best way we could have spent our last night. We woke up and packed our bags, we then dragged our bags out to the car and went to say goodbye to the little cabin in the middle of the canyon. We climbed up the tree limb into the lodge where our bed was and rocked in the squeaking rocking chair for one last time. We locked up the cabin and hopped into the car for a car ride that I never thought would give me a whole new perspective on life. We were then off, going on our way home from the adventurous canyon in the Mexican desert. As we drove off I looked back at the wooden cabin until it faded into the distance. The car ride out of the canyon consisted of lots of bumps and jolts. I stuck my head out the window of the car to feel the breeze; the air rushed against my cheek and gave me a cool chill. Once we were out of the mountains it was just dirt road from there on out. We rested our heads on the window and wrapped ourselves in our cozy blankets. The calming breeze parted the clouds revealing the sunshine to us. As we drove down the dirt path the skies beauty mesmerized us. The sky had a mixture of gray and bright blue, the clouds had a glow to them like they do after a rainfall, and the suns rays hit our faces and gave warmth to us and brighten the nature around us. At this moment in time I realized how precious life is, and how fortunate I was to have a chance to live a life in such a beautiful place. I look back on this day constantly and wish I could go back to the time when everything in the world stopped and my mind was free. I have never been so at peace with the world. It was like there was nothing to worry about and nothing to think about, everything was gone and I felt completely free and one with nature. I have understood how precious life is and that life goes by so fast. I will never be able to re-live that precious moment in my life I can try and recreate it, but it will never be the same. I will always look back on that chilly day in November and remember what I experienced and learned. This day has changed the way I view life and for the rest of my life I will always look back on this day. There are no re-do’s in our world and that minute you just spent sitting staring off into space you can never re-live that moment in life, it’s gone forever. Life is a precious gift and I hope that I can have more moments like this where I am completely free so I can celebrate and cherish life more. This is a goal that everyone should try to accomplish, to clear our minds and stop to realize the beauty of the world. Everyday we go about our life not noticing our surroundings. When you stop and notice the world and all the life in it, your mind is cleared and you’re at complete peace. It’s the best feeling in the world, nothing can compare to this feeling. We should all have the chance to experience this and understand that nothing is forever so we need to live and celebrate life while we can.

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