Wet, Cold, and Hungry | Teen Ink

Wet, Cold, and Hungry

October 20, 2011
By Lucoid BRONZE, Overland Park, Kansas
Lucoid BRONZE, Overland Park, Kansas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Seven hours, seven hours of packing into boxes. Seven hours of trying to pop my ears. Seven hours was the time in took to settle in. However, it only took seven seconds for me to miss home. I was 9. Small, Smart, and loved to try new things. It started at a sushi restaurant. Me and my sister were trying new foods and accidentally ate the spiciest food there was. Our mouths were as hot as the sun. It felt like four gallons of water we drank, but we still had a good time. Then words I heard that I never thought I would hear. My dad has be promoted to a better job, but it was in England. England? Where’s England? “It’s just another state” I thought, “it will be fun.” It wasn’t fun or another state. It was over seas!
“So, what do you think?” my parents said.
“Umghhhhhh... okay”
said my sister, still chugging down water like a waterfall after she ate the wasabi. My answer, however, took more time. Over seas...
“I guess I'll go” thinking I had an option. My patents look relived. They were worried that we didn't want to go. After a little conversation, and dinner table games, the bill arrived and we left the restaurant. My sister tired after a big night, was asleep on the way home. I asked my parents who were half asleep,
“Will we live in box?”
“No” said my mom “But the house will be smaller than the one we have now” After other awkward questions, and I was out. Asleep on the couch after watching spongebob and dreaming about my new home.

The next couple weeks were different than I ever imagined, people coming in and taking stuff and mom and dad were not doing anything.
“Were being robbed!” said my sister,
“No honey, their just packing our stuff away.” This movers did look pretty rough like they were in a gang or just broke into a bank. However scared I was, I still had my neighbor, and best friend, Keenan. I have known him for about five years then, and he supported me along the way. Playing on the computer and baseball in his backyard were the best of times. However we didn't think about leaving each other.
“So when will you be back?” he said, drinking his juice box after the baseball game we played.
“I don't know I said, but its probably only like two weeks or something” It wasn't two weeks. Actually it was two years, but it felt like 12 to me. When the time came, and our house was completely empty like it looked when we just moved into it, we said our goodbyes to our friends and family and we were off. That hour of a drive to the airport was covered with questions like a cake covered with frosting. My sister asking, ‘Where's this, and what's that?’ It got really annoying after about thirty minutes that I wanted to jump out of the car. When we entered the airport, it was so big. I didn't know what to expect. Also, their were so many people. I stayed next to my mom because I was afraid that I was going to get lost. The best part about the airport was the security. I don't know why, but I love going through the metal detector, and see other people failing it unlike me. We found a McDonalds ate, as we usually did, and walked to our flight. I don't remember much on the plane, because my parents said I slept through most of it. I do remember the guy sitting next to me. He smelt weird and was sweaty.
"Not the best person to sit next to" I said to my dad. He laughed. I thought the plane ride was only like two hours, but actually it was eight hours. I was glad I slept through it because those hours must of sucked. Just sitting there doing nothing. For my sister, however, they turned the TV for her. She loves the TV, so she was in heaven in those eight hours When I woke up from my nap on the plane, my parent said we had landed.
My first thoughts of England was wet, cold, and windy. When we arrived in the airport, I noticed everyone had accents. I thought they sounded funny, but my parents said, "most people sound like this here." It confused me. I thought it was a different language, but I could understand them. After that hold up, we found a taxi and were driven to the town where we were going to live in. Twyford was the name, and a small town it was. We found a restaurant called the “Lunch Box.” It had a sing that said "Fresh baked potatoes and paninis (British sandwiches). We walked into the little shop and ordered.
"May I have a baked potato," my sister said,
"Sorry we're out."
"Oh okay, so how about a ham and cheese panini then"
"Sorry, we're out of that too. I served the last one this mourning" At this point my sister was getting annoyed at this cashier.
"So what do you have?" she said with a attitude.
"Actually not much, the shipment of food is coming later tonight, but we do have some tea and crackers." Now my sister was mad. Actually we we're all mad, but we're too hungry to care. So for lunch we had crackers and mom and dad had tea and coffee, while my sister and I had hot chocolate. After the smallest lunch we have ever had, we went to our new home.
"Our house is tiny!" Was the first words that came out of my mouth when we got there. However it was true. This house was in a small neighborhood, around 22 houses, and the house felt like a quarter of the size of ours in America. 2.5 bathrooms, 4 bedrooms, a kitchen, dining room, an office and a living room. The backyard was smaller than the car, at least close to that. Anyway, the property was tiny, and my parents said,
"we'll just have to get use to this home." This is when I knew that this "new home" is going to be interesting.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Oct. 26 2011 at 10:12 pm
HappyEverAfter SILVER, Rhinelander, Wisconsin
7 articles 0 photos 16 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Whoever said anything was possible obviously never tried slammimg a revolving door." -unknown

Hmmm. It was good. I can't imagine having to move to England! I think that I would've been much more upset about it than you, though =) Nice sensory detail. I only have one piece published so far, but it would be really cool if you could check it out and give me some feedback!