Scruffy Our Little Five Dollar Dog! | Teen Ink

Scruffy Our Little Five Dollar Dog!

May 19, 2011
By joe.hayden085 SILVER, Olathe, Kansas
joe.hayden085 SILVER, Olathe, Kansas
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Scruffy a dog with no tail made up for the shortcoming with wiggles and licks when greeting you at the bottom of the steps. His sweet disposition and many tricks made up for the messes that without a tail are left. He could catch a ball in his mouth, roll over, sit up and crawl on his belly like he was in the military.

He was a sweet puppy and loved us so much even when his wiry white hair was all in a mess. He loved to carry a slipper in his mouth, just to be near you, when you were out of the house. He was a good sport with other dogs too, never disallowing them to have a sleep over or two.

He had many names not just Scruffy you see he was Little Bolie to Grandpa, The Hedgehog to Uncle David, and Doddle Pooh to me too. He came to all especially when offered a treat. He loved a pupperoni, oh yes he did and would sit pretty for a cookie every night before bed.

He lived a good life for a little short dog, with no tail, and takes with him much love on the old dog trail. But all the memories of Scruffy are warm and full of bliss. My, oh my, that little spotted white dog will be missed.

Good bye little friend, old pal of mine, you were a sweet puppy for such a long time.

The author's comments:
R.I.P. my best friend!

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