Growth from middle school to highschool | Teen Ink

Growth from middle school to highschool

June 7, 2024
By 5harlos BRONZE, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
5harlos BRONZE, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Your growth from middle school to high school was awesome. You have made so many new friends, found a good job that you like. All of your friends have been there to make sure that you are doing well. In the morning when you all see each other you all say “ I am so happy to see all of you I missed you guys” Alex said very cheerfully I wonder if she is doing okay with everything going on at home. I looked at Alex and she said “ I'm okay if i need you I'll text you okay?” “Okay” I said, relieved. We all sat down at the lunch table and all of a sudden Bang! Vivyan smacked her head on the table because she was laughing so hard “ OMG THAT WAS HILARIOUS!”  everyone looked at her “ are you okay Vivyan” you could hear the worry in all of our voices. Vivyan just nodded while still laughing as a signal saying that she was okay. Then we heard the bell Ring! Which meant it was time for us to go to class and learn but we walked each other to class then said goodbye to each other. After school had ended you had to go to work which is your first job.

This is your first job that you have and it has helped you to learn that you work really good with kids. The kids that you are working with all seem to enjoy being around you. You also made really good connections with all of your coworkers. The kids sprinted into the room screaming with joy “ PRINCESS PEACH YOUR BACK” you can hear joy in all of their voices. All of the smiling faces show how happy they are that you work with them.  These children are the reason why I want to continue working with them. We all played games together and no one got into an argument. They came to me and we solved any problems that occurred. I see Carter and Harper arguing over toys. I go over there “ what's going on, why are we fighting?”  Carter said while sobbing “ Harper wont let me use all the birds” “ Well Carter are you sure there aren't any other animals you could use?” with a calm voice I tried to calm him down from crying. After a few minutes goes by Carter is now calm and he asked Harper “Can I help you guys build” “ Sure Carter” agreeably Harper said. Then those two were fine for the rest of the day.

You are doing pretty well in school with grades, you have been asking for help when you need it. The classes you are taking have helped you in so many different ways you didn't think that it would have helped you. You continued to do choir and have improved so much. The teachers and kids in that class are all really nice, and you can easily make so many friends. Especially the seniors, they are there to talk to and help you if you are confused on a part in the song. The seniors in the choir class will ask you “ how are you” and just make your day so good. 

There is a  club called best buddies that you are doing and it is such a good club you get to do so many fun activities with your buddy that you get paired with. They call the groups your families and you get to do so many fun activities with them. We all got to go to Sky zone one time and we had so much fun being able to just do whatever we wanted to with our buddies. WE got to make gingerbread houses with Christmas music playing in the background and have fun with everyone that was there.

The author's comments:

I have been working with the Y-MCA for over 2 years now and i am going  to continue working for them because it is a good environment and i have made so many good friends from just working there. i also made so many connections with the kids and their parents.

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