This I believe | Teen Ink

This I believe

June 6, 2024
By Anonymous

I believe in sisterhood.

I have two younger sisters and I wouldn't want it any other way. There is a special bond that sisters have. The way I can go home and know I have my best friends waiting right there for me. How we fight like its World War 2 but are completely fine 5 minutes after. How they always support me in everything. How they always know what kind of mood I am in. My sisters have a special place in my heart.

I have realized now my sisters and I have head breaking points in our childhood. The first time I became a teenager. The years you only care about yourself and especially don’t want to hang out with your family. Even then my sisters were still there for me, when I would give them attitude and push them away. This makes me feel that I will always have my sisters in life no matter what happens. They are always the people I can lean on.

I never knew how important my sisters are to me until last year. It was when I started going to college clinics for field hockey.  The whole college thing suddenly felt real, and it finally hit me that in three years I will never live with my sisters again. This is the moment I knew I have been taking my sisters for granted for years. All of their support and love. I started to imagine what living without them would feel like. No more just going right next door to each other just to sit with someone. No more sharing clothes or hair products. No more of just having the feeling of someone always around me.

I have realized now none of that will change as much as I think it will. We will still always be just a phone call away. We will still find ways to steel each other's clothes and hair tools. And most importantly I will still always have them by my side even though they aren't physically next to me.  Having sisters is a different type of connection. They will always give you the honest truth, brighten your days, sometimes make you mad, help you when you are sad. They are always there right when you need them. Having sisters is truly the greatest gift in the world.

The author's comments:

I wrote this in becoming a better writer 

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