This I believe | Teen Ink

This I believe

June 6, 2024
By Anonymous

  Family is your number one supporters so never forget that, I believe that family is the most important thing in life.


    I believe this because growing up you spend all this time with family not really thinking about how much they mean to you. You just know you love them but never take time to appreciate it.  When I was little it went from never wanting to leave my mom and dad to  middle school years when you don’t want to be home, talk to your parents, or go to family parties. As you get older it hits you how much family really means to you. As the days go by to when your now in high school you realize that in a couple years you won't be home in your family house.


     In the last couple years I have begun to realize family really is the most important thing in your life. I've realized this when I remembered next year I have to look for collages and I'm only going to be home for 2 more years . This made me realize how hard it's going to be to leave them and how much its goanna affect me.  I've always loved my family and knew they were my biggest supporters but as you get older it’s a different type of feeling. My dad, mom, and sister are really my best friends and the people most loyal to me. When you go to family party's start talking to your grandparents, aunts, and uncles more. It will mean so much more to them then you think. You won't be living in your family house forever fighting with your siblings. The love your family shows you is really greater than any love anyone will ever show you. Your family cares more than any fake friend or boyfriend ever will. You should never disrespect or tell your parents you hate them because one day you will realize they are just trying to keep you safe and love you so much. You might not think that growing up but I promise as you get older you will. Your parents supply a home, food, clothes, and more belongings for you and so many people take that for grantiid.  As you get older though thinking about leaving your childhood home and all your family is a hard thing to do.



     The lesson I learned is never take family for gratitude and say you hate them. Don’ t forget to  spend time with them. The second you grow up you will regret all the moments you yelled at your parents and didn’t have movie night with them. You grow up so much faster than you think and one day will be off at college living your own life and regret all the moments you miss and wish you could change. This changed me because after my middle school years I now realize hanging in with my parents and laughing with them is way better than going out with friends and going to lunch with my grandparents can make there hole week. In the end family will always be there for you and not the people you think might. So make your grandparents smile, play with your little siblings, watch movies with your parents because you don't know how much that stuff really means to family and how much they care about you.


    That’s why I believe you should always be there and care for your family because they are your loved ones, trusted people, and people that will never leave your side.

The author's comments:

I wrote this in becoming a better writter.

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