Letter To My Past Self | Teen Ink

Letter To My Past Self

June 2, 2024
By selinazhang07 BRONZE, Sarasota, Florida
selinazhang07 BRONZE, Sarasota, Florida
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Past Me,

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing from your future self to give you a few words of advice.

You are currently at a crucial point in your life, where some things might even determine aspects of your future. I hope you know that all the work you are putting in now is ultimately shaping what lies ahead. The challenges you are facing may seem substantial but are also small in the grand scheme of things. However, know that these little things build up your path in life, and your journey is only beginning. 

Particularly, in school, although specific assignments may seem insignificant, these assignments build up your grade, which ultimately lead to a GPA that will help you get into college. Do not brush anything off, and always put your mind to whatever you are doing. However, make sure not to stress too much. Maintaining a healthy balance between school and lifestyle is crucial for your development as a young woman.

Surround yourself with the people who truly love and support you. Those are the ones who will truly help you reach your full potential. As others care for you, care for them as well. Building a strong support system is crucial to finding who you are as well. Many of your happiest moments will come from the people who love you the most, and make sure to cherish them. When you’re feeling down, these people will lift you up and love you despite your flaws. 

Sometimes, you might want to give up or even choose an easier path, but I urge you to never lose your work ethic. Every little success now will build up your opportunities in the future, and it will be worth it in the end. I hope you know everything will work out, and I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors!

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