Letter To Myself | Teen Ink

Letter To Myself

June 1, 2024
By fangela PLATINUM, Fort Lee, New Jersey
fangela PLATINUM, Fort Lee, New Jersey
20 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Dear Future Me,

As I sit down to write this letter to you, my future self, I find it odd to be thinking of you. I feel that who I will become will be a completely different person to who I currently am. Although today I consider myself to be less outspoken than most, I hope you are more confident and assertive in the future. Yet, I hope you, my future self, will retain my current calm and composed nature which has saved me so many times in disagreements with my friends, family members, and even teachers. 

In the future, I hope you’re able to achieve your dreams and goals. You need to continue to work hard and finish Sophomore year strong. Summer is almost here, and this is when everyone, including you, starts to feel unmotivated to do any work. However, you have to consider how hard you have been working all year long to do well in school. It would be a waste to be neglectful of your work now, especially when your friends and family helped you through the year to be successful. Between all of the school work and extracurriculars, maintaining social relationships can also be hard, mostly due to everyone’s busy schedules. It is significantly harder when your best friend goes to a different school too! Even if you are not able to meet up consistently to celebrate every achievement or holiday, you should always be there to congratulate each other’s successes. I hope you are still able to take time off to be with the people you love and care about, even if it is not often as you would like. 

I also hope you are taking good care of yourself and your health. I hope you have found another way to stay active. Remember those taekwondo classes during your freshman year? Despite being a poor cook, I hope you are eating healthy everyday. Now since mom is not here to cook healthy foods and provide fruits in the fridge for snacks, I hope you found a way to fend for yourself in the best nutritious way possible. When things get hard, do you still turn to sliced apples and peeled oranges? Or do you resort to getting a quick bite from Uber Eats? I hope not!!! Hopefully, you found other ways to deal with stress and you don’t bite your lips or chip away at your cuticles any more. Maybe, you go on nice walks, journal your days, or even read a book to relieve pressure instead. I hope you realized that taking breaks is super important so that you won’t get burnt out. Rewarding yourself doesn’t always have to come after accomplishing something. Remember to be kind to yourself, and to always want the best while being the best you can be!

With a wink and a nod,

Your Present Self

The author's comments:

I am currently a Sophomore in high school, and I thought it would be important to reflect on my present and anticipate my future at the same time. Teenagers are always curious and anxious about their future. This contest gave me a great opportunity to gain perspective on who I am today and set goals for who I will be later in life.

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