How one coach made me hate a sport | Teen Ink

How one coach made me hate a sport

May 31, 2024
By 27ca01 BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
27ca01 BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

When I was younger I loved football very much. Football was my favorite sport. When I was younger I would watch football games and play football. I watched football and games all the time. I would be excited every time I got to play football because I loved the sport. It was my favorite sport at the time because I really didn’t care for basketball or baseball as much as I cared for football, but when I got older my love for football wasn't there as it was when I was younger. However, I still loved the game of football so I continued to play football even though I didn’t have as much fun as I did when I played football when I was younger I still wanted to give it a try and see if I still had the same love and passion for football as I did when I was younger. I loved football again when it was my 8th-grade year and I had two great coaches who were nice at times but they were also hard on me so I could be a better player I liked the coaches because they would always help me when I needed it and they would always tell me how to do it right so I could get it right the next time.

Everything changed during the start of my freshman season there was this one coach who was nice to me at the start of football and he would help during practice. when I would miss a block or when I would make a mistake during a drill but it all changed one day at practice when I missed the person I was supposed to block because someone was supposed to block and he ran a route instead. The coach yelled at me because I missed my block. When the other person tried to say he ran the wrong play the coach told him that he didn’t need to cover for me and that it was not his fault when he tried to explain why I missed my block the coach would constantly yell at me for stuff that I didn’t even do it got to the point where I just lost all of the love I use to have for football. I didn’t want to play football anymore there were a lot of times during the season when I was wondering if I should just quit football and just work on my other sports like basketball and baseball. Then I just decided that I was going to stick with football for the rest of the season and see if I had the same love I used to have for the game.


Every single practice and game I would work hard so I could get better but even with all the hard work that I put in it still wasn't enough. The same coach would still yell at me every time I thought that the coach was just trying to help me get better he would expect me to push around some of the seniors and juniors but I couldn’t move them around as much as they moved me around. He would always say that I needed to get lower and be more aggressive but every time I was low and aggressive but I still couldn’t move them later on during practice we were doing special teams and two of the seniors came at me and threw me on the ground and the same coach said I should have gotten lower because he expected me to be able to move both of the seniors that were faster and stronger than me he expected me to bulldoze right past them and get the kick returner but every time I was up for special teams the two seniors would go after me and when I got passed them the coach yelled at me for not trying to block them but if I did the same thing would happen over and over again the coach would just tell me that I should push them around when I couldn’t move them. 


Halfway through my freshman season, I hurt my elbow trying to go in for a tackle during an away game at Caledonia. when I tried to get the running back their offensive tackle ran at me and hit his helmet on my elbow and I felt something pop. Then when I tried to block him on offense I couldn't move my arm at all and it went numb and when I moved it up after I went out It hurt to put any pressure. And when I tried to turn someone's hands the other way with my left arm I wasn't able to move it at all but when I tried with my right side I was able to move it and when we got back to the school I went to the doctors when I got home and they took ex-rays and when I got the xrays back it showed that my elbow was completely fractured in two different places. It ended my season and when the coach found out I hurt my elbow at the game he started making me do a lot of things since I still had one hand left so I hard to carry out a lot of things from the red shed in the back of the school and I had to carry the little yellow jersey back and forth every practice and even when I was hurt he always made me do something and he would yell at me when something is there when they needed it and the coach made me hate the sport every day since the start of the season he went from helping me out and teaching how to do the plays and drills correctly to hating me and causing me to lose my love for the sport that i once had when I was younger.

The author's comments:

Football was my favorite sport but now it's not and my favorite sport is basketball

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