At one point i was confused | Teen Ink

At one point i was confused

May 31, 2024
By Anonymous

If I had been asked my opinion on LGBT in 2021 I probably would've said “it doesn't pertain to me” but now it does. Three years ago I didn't know much about the LGBT landscape and didn't bother looking into it cause I saw it as a waste of time, just not important to me at the time. This essay will be my journey from not knowing anything about LGBT and not caring to look into it to knowing quite a bit and being concerned about what happens with LGBT.

Late 2021 was when I really decided to delve into LGBT since we were stuck inside from the pandemic and having nothing to do but be online, I met people who were in the community and formed close bonds with them, others more so. When I first started talking to them I didn't really want to get involved with LGBT, I wasn't a hater of LGBT I never was, I just didn't want to get involved since I didn't want to end my family's bloodline with me cause my brother came out around 2 years prior as gay. In early 2022 out of the group of people I talked to, three of them stood out, and of which I formed the closest bond to which those three are usually the ones I talk to first about troubling matters to me. 

At this point I was ‘confused’ about whether I was straight or gay landing myself in the queer category of LGBT, and as I continued to talk to the three people I formed close bonds and I started to shift my perspective about LGBT. I tried giving myself the bisexual title but it didn't feel right since I felt attracted to both genders but more so towards men. In late 2023 I found a term that was pretty close to what I was feeling, that term is ‘Heteroflexible,’ but it didn't really have a good “ring” to it and wasn't easy to understand what it meant so I defaulted to gay mixed with bisexual which worked for a time but I still feel like something is missing.

As of now I'm content with where I've put myself but it still feels like something is missing, and now I know this story isn't at its end but it has developed enough to turn it into a story like I did. Maybe someday I'll be able to fully define how I feel but as of now it's gay mixed with a bit of bisexual.

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