Letter to my 10 years old Self in the Past | Teen Ink

Letter to my 10 years old Self in the Past

May 22, 2024
By romaisa BRONZE, Islamabad, Other
romaisa BRONZE, Islamabad, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Dearest Little 10 years old Me,

It's me, you in the future, writing to you from the year 2024. I know it might sound crazy, but trust me, you'll understand someday. You're 14 now, a whirlwind of emotions and dreams, just beginning to discover the world around you. I'm here to tell you, from a slightly older, slightly wiser perspective, that you're on the right track and there's so much to look forward to.

Remember all those times you dreamt of being a writer? Don't ever give up on that passion. I know you're scared, scared of not being good enough, of what people will think. But let me tell you, those doubts will always be there, but they shouldn't stop you. Keep writing, keep exploring your voice, and remember, it's okay to be messy. It's in the messiness that the magic is born.

Speaking of magic, remember the way you used to stare at the stars with that longing in your heart for adventure? You're right to feel that way. The world is full of it, waiting for you to discover it. You'll travel far, meet amazing people, and experience things you never even imagined. Don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone, to take risks, even if they seem scary. Embrace the unknown, it's where the true magic lies.

But as you embark on this incredible journey, remember your roots. You're a Pakistani girl, and that comes with a rich culture, deeply rooted traditions, and a strong sense of community. You'll face challenges, some of which are unique to our society. Don't let them discourage you. Use your voice to stand up for what's right, to fight for equality, and to empower others. Your voice matters, and it's a powerful tool for change.

And remember your friends, the ones who are there for you, always cheering you on. Hold on to them, nurture these friendships, because they'll be your anchors through thick and thin. You'll make new friends too, friends from all walks of life, who will enrich your perspective and broaden your horizons.

Most importantly, little me, remember to be kind. Be kind to yourself, to others, even to those you disagree with. Remember, the world is a much better place when we choose kindness over judgment.

It's going to be a wild ride, filled with ups and downs, but you'll learn and grow with every experience. Don't be afraid to stumble, to fall, to make mistakes. It's in those moments that you'll learn the most valuable lessons.

So go out there, little me, embrace the world with open arms. You got this.


Your future self.

The author's comments:

Hello! I am Romaisa Israr a 14 years old Muslim from Pakistan who loves to read and write .  

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