A Decade Unveiled: Letters to My Future Self | Teen Ink

A Decade Unveiled: Letters to My Future Self

May 17, 2024
By polinaperin PLATINUM, Espluegues De Llobregat, Other
polinaperin PLATINUM, Espluegues De Llobregat, Other
23 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.

Dear older me,

If you are reading this, congratulations on enduring this long. I am on the verge of graduating and confronting the so-called "real world," whatever that entails. Here are my aspirations for the future.

I fervently hope you marry him. Seriously, do not botch this; he is the most wonderful thing that ever happened to you. Recall our secret pact with God? The phrase your future husband will utter, so you know he is the one? I trust it materialized. I must admit, I am terrified of love. The prospect of opening my heart to someone and risking the pain of losing them is daunting. Sometimes, I fear that I will never find that kind of profound connection and that I am destined to remain solitary. I hope you proved me wrong.

I hope you have a child. Currently, I am disinclined towards children, but perhaps my perspective will evolve. Should you have children, I hope you are a commendable mother. You'll be great if you're even half as good as your mom. I hope you've worked on yourself and grown up. You hide a lot from the world, are insecure, and compare yourself to others. You choose the safe path too often. Don't run from the hard work.

I hope you tell your parents you love them more often. They don't know how much they mean to you, and that's a shame. I hope you live closer to family. Your mother was deeply saddened when you accepted that position in New York despite her cheerful facade. I hope you have strengthened your bond with your sisters. Sibling affection is irreplaceable, but competitiveness has occasionally impeded it. Embrace and learn from him. I hope you are engaged in work that feels meaningful. I am uncertain what that entails, but perhaps it means finding joy in simple moments like an ordinary Thursday. I hope your dear friends are in good health and happy. Even if that is improbable, I hope they know how much you cherish them. Finally, I hope you've had some fun along the way.

That's all for now. Farewell.

The author's comments:

Opening a letter written ten years ago reveals hopes, fears, and a powerful journey of self-discovery.

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