I'll miss it | Teen Ink

I'll miss it

March 7, 2024
By 4phillips BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
4phillips BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

After a long summer, I was dreading the day to start school once again.  Last and final year I thought to myself.  Seeing the same old people in the same old school for another year.  At least I don’t have to do this again, I reminded myself.  Once I stepped into the school, my mindset changed and I felt this nostalgic feeling, that I know is going to be hard to let go of. I suddenly remembered that nothing is ever gonna be like these four years ever again.

I begin to soak up everyday in this same old school.

The author's comments:

I wrote this about my thoughts about senior year, and being conflicted with this bitter sweet ending that most people go through.  This is a 100 word memoir.

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