Strengthened Faith | Teen Ink

Strengthened Faith

December 13, 2023
By Anonymous

     People often talk about changing their life for the better but don’t take the steps to do so. On June 12-16 I went to CIY, the most life-changing experience imaginable. It allowed me to open up and understand the importance of God and his peace. He is always forgiving and allows you to lay your chains at his feet. I learned that prayer is the strongest thing:  pray on it, pray over it, and pray through it. 

     Before going to CIY, I went to church and bible study. I thought that I knew everything I needed to, that my faith was strong. When tragedies happened to me or when I was upset over a situation I believed God was in control of it. I believed that my life would be perfect because God was in it. I would question why my life wasn’t as good as others and why I'm even trying anymore. The verse (John 13:7) “You do not realize what I am doing now but later you will.” allowed me to believe God is working in my life. Going to CIY I thought it was just going to be another church event that is worship and prayer. I figured it would be everyone trying to talk about making your life better and taking the steps to do so. CIY was such a different experience than others because it sounded too good to be true. 

     A group of people from my youth group arrived on June 12, 2023 at Cedarville University for this church camp. Throughout this week in Cedarville we prayed, had lessons, speakers, games, worship, individual reflections, and group talks. All of this throughout a week seems like a lot but it was just enough to change my life and make me completely different. Going into the first lesson on Monday, June 12 listening to the worship was very surreal. I looked around and saw everyone with their hands raised and singing even if they couldn’t. It didn’t matter to the people around me because God doesn't judge. I didn’t get judged when I was there, I wasn’t ashamed of what had happened in my past because everyone there has messed up and confessed their sins. Each day after Monday I felt less and less afraid to show who I was and to share my thoughts. On the last day, Friday June 16, the lesson was about “dropping your chains”. I will always remember this, after the lesson everyone got a chance to stand on a platform and hold a chain up. People would read a verse and then get prayed over afterward they would drop the chain. Listening to everyone drop their chains at the bottom of Jesus’ feet was astonishing. Sitting down and reflecting on life while others were dropping all of their burdens was a surreal feeling, everyone has burdens that they don’t talk about and need to let go of.I learned to not reflect on your past, let it go and allow yourself to move forward with your life. 

     After CIY my life was completely changed from believing to knowing. I knew when I went back to school from CIY that I viewed everything differently. My view was changed from my own view to the way God views things and it changed my perspective of how I look at things in life. Going to school and hearing all the foul language and seeing all of the kids in a bad mood and making fun of others. I was changed, before CIY I would just go by and think it was a normal thing to see but it wasn't. It wasn’t a normal thing to see it was unfortunate to look around and see all of the bad in the world. Being changed was amazing and feeling so much peace in my life. I walk around knowing that God has forgiven me and that he has a plan for my life. “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” (Jeremiah 29:11) Everything that happens to me is meant to happen for a reason. 

     Taking a step to change my life was bold but magnificent. CIY was the week that completely transformed my life. Hearing about Jesus and thinking you know everything and Knowing Jesus after a week is unimaginable but extraordinary. June 12-16 was the week that strengthened my faith and allowed me to show others how amazing a change for the better can be. “Whoever finds their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life for my sake will find it” (Matthew 10:39)









Works Cited

“John 13:7” New International version, 1984, Bible Gateway,

“Jeremiah 29:11” New International version, 1984 , Bible Gateway,

“Matthew 10:39” New International version, 1984, Bible Gateway,

The author's comments:

This piece is about the point in my life that changed me forever. CIY was the biggest moment of my life and will forever be one of the stories I tell people. I was changed for the better and will continue to live my life through Christ. 

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