Goodbye Collarbone | Teen Ink

Goodbye Collarbone

October 7, 2023
By Saculpark BRONZE, Sherwood Forest, California
Saculpark BRONZE, Sherwood Forest, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My collarbone violently ruptured as my 5-year-old body was hurtled off the side of the bed. As I writhed on the ground and later the hospital bed, worried relatives swarmed me like bees, panicking over the injury. When other types of collar bones break throughout society, people far less close than relatives flock from every corner and place to pity their pain. Yet as I eventually was relieved of my cast and trudged along toward normal life, everyone was gone.

The author's comments:

This piece was originally meant to be a poem, but I changed format later. I tried to connect a past experience to a real part of life/society.

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