Driveway | Teen Ink


October 6, 2023
By Anonymous

I excitedly scurry out – today, I finally take control of a machine I’ve only observed. I enter the coveted seat and slowly pull out of my driveway. All good. I’m told to turn out of my community. All good. I’m told to accelerate and a twinge of nervousness builds. Still, all good. I’m told to turn left, but I hesitate. I miss the turn. And as I’m berated, that slight nervousness morphs into an overwhelming sense of anxiety. When I pull into my driveway and exit that formerly coveted seat, relief washes over me. Why was I so excited, anyway?

The author's comments:

I wrote this piece as a reflection about my first time driving, and the emotional shift I experienced while operating the machine. My feelings quickly morphed from eagerness to anxiousness, and I believe that is well reflected here.

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