My Daughters Birth | Teen Ink

My Daughters Birth

May 27, 2023
By Parisbaybee2005 BRONZE, Portland, Oregon
Parisbaybee2005 BRONZE, Portland, Oregon
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

     Birth… the most painful, scariest and beautiful thing I’ve been through. June 11, 2022 as I’m in the car with my boyfriend Emilio, his friend Blake, and our nephew June driving down the freeway I was looking out the window thinking about what my little girl would look like and how precious it was going to be. I knew getting in the car with Blake was always risky because of how he drives, but it was a good day, everything was going good. He was going 80 down the freeway while it was pouring rain, and for whatever his reason was he slammed on his brakes and the car went spinning everywhere and then bam we slammed into the wall. As the car was spinning Emilio reached behind him to grab me because I was 9 months pregnant. Once the car stopped Emilio started freaking out and almost stopped breathing, he was so scared that we had lost our baby in the midst of everything that just happened. My heart was racing faster than it’s ever raced before. Emilio managed to call the police and once the ambulance showed up the first thing they did was check on me. They were going to take me to the hospital, but they wouldn’t let him in the ambulance with me so I wouldn’t go. Our really good friend Lisa managed to get to us as fast as she could, because life 360 alerted her that we got into an accident. Lisa then took Emilio and I to the hospital and I was emitted right away. 

       That same day they put me into labor, they broke my water and started my contractions. All the fear and anger that came from getting into the car accident put Emilio into a really bad situation. As I’m having contractions and getting the epidural Emilio was throwing up, crying, yelling, and feeling very sick. He said he felt like his heart was in his stomach and it wouldn’t go away. On June 12, 2022 the doctors decided that it was time for me to start pushing. This is where all the pain and all the regret started to happen. As I was trying to push I couldn’t feel a thing, they had numbed my body so much that I just couldn’t. I was laying flat as they let me throw up all over myself multiple times. If it wasn’t for my mom and my boyfriend being there I honestly would have knocked someone out, they were horrible. I attempted to push for five hours and I’ve never been so exhausted in my life, I was falling asleep as they were trying to get her out. After the five hours of pushing they attempted to try to suction her out, which is a very dangerous situation. After two times trying to suction her out, the doctor managed to rip my daughters head in three different spots.

       I then got brought up for a c-section since nothing was working. My boyfriend was sitting right next to me as they started to cut me open, and I could feel them cutting me and it hurt so bad I yelled at the top of my lungs. It then got turned into an emergency c- section and they rushed Emilio out of the room. My mom said that Emilio called her flipping out, scared for his life. He didn’t know what was going to happen to me or the baby. And at 5:54pm our daughter was born, and rushed straight to the NICU. About an hour later I woke up and was in a room by myself with a nurse. She proceeded to tell me what had happened. Emilio came into the room and showed me a picture of what our little girl looked like. I’ve never seen such a beautiful baby before. I looked at him and said “she looks identical to you” . She had such a big head, just like her daddy.

      On June 13,2022 I got to meet my daughter for the first time. Emilio brought me in a wheelchair down to the NICU and I got to hold our little girl. When I looked at her I felt a gush of joy, a gush of love just running through my body. I knew right there and then that I had a purpose. I now had my own little family who depended on me and who needed me. I learned that having a baby at such a young age was a mistake and it’s hard, but it’s the biggest blessing in both Emilio and I’s life. I couldn’t be more thankful for my daughter. 

The author's comments:

I went through hell and back to birth my daughter. 

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