Personal #2 | Teen Ink

Personal #2

May 15, 2023
By bennetmoore BRONZE, Wentzville, Missouri
bennetmoore BRONZE, Wentzville, Missouri
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Rainy days are usually associated with pain. But I don’t really get that. I normally like the rain. Whether it is soft or strong gusts of wind, or dark clouds, the rain brings a sense of peace. Well, normally that’s what I feel on rainy days. But, sometimes there are those outliers where you can tell it’s not gonna be a good rain.
I was on my way to school on April 5th, except it was different from normal mornings, it was rainy, and not a good rainy. The clouds were placed in the sky the night before but were still hovering over in the morning. Except now, with pouring rain. My windshield wipers were going back and forth faster than you could register. I left my house at 7:00 am, a little behind schedule but I’d still make it. I was on Highway N, heading west bound, when the taillights of the car came on. Naturally, mine came on too. The car in front of me came to a semi-sharp stop in the rain causing me to come to a slightly sharper stop. But, the car behind me, driven by my classmate since kindergarten, didn’t make a sharp enough stop. I saw her headlights approaching too fast before I felt an actual impact. But, when her car hit me, nickels flew out of the center console, chapstick flew to the back seat, and my head whipped forward. Finally looking back up and out the windshield I noticed I had been hit so hard that I had even tapped the car in front of me.
Getting out of my car I remember the feeling of distraught and anger. Not knowing if I should feel sad at my love (my car) being smashed, or anger at the girl who hit me. After the fact I heard that I probably went with the latter option, but I feel either way it was justified.
Closing my car door, probably a little too hard, I inspected the front of my car first. My license plate bent was the second thing I noticed, after the crack stretching across the hood and the kidney grill. But, that was nothing compared to the rear. Dents and paint scratches littered the bumper and my exhaust assembly hung down. My love, my car, was totaled.

The author's comments:

Car that I loved

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