Christian Lifestyle | Teen Ink

Christian Lifestyle

October 19, 2022
By Anonymous

          God will always be with you and will never leave your side. He is with you when you are at your lows and highs. This is why I carry the Christian lifestyle with me where ever I go. Whenever I am having troubles, I pray to him or read the bible. Sometimes I will just sit in silence and wait for him to say something. Every Sunday my family and I will go to church and just be with him. We will listen to the message and worship. Doing this is how you grow with him in your life and he will change your life.

          My Christian lifestyle is more of a symbolic thing in my life, rather than an actual thing I carry. What it can look like is someone just being a light in the world to others, just like Jesus did. Jesus was light and loved everyone. This is such a key thing in my life because I love God so much and I am hungry for more of him. And I always want to tell others about how great he is.

          It was about 2 days into bible camp, and all of my friends were sitting down and listening to the Pastor preach. The whole room was filled with a godly vibe. It was such a warm, and cozy time. During this time I always will take down notes as I go, so I can look back at what this message was saying. After that, we all get together for a time of worship. We are all jumping up and down having a great time and really getting close to God. In these times, I am at my best. I feel like God is right beside me as I worship him. There are colorful lights flashing and music playing loud. When the slow songs come on, we all settle down and began to just think about him and really take in what he has for us. These few hours every night are the best.

          God, what a kind never ending loving person. His love for you will never stop. He always has a smile while watching over you. He is the creator of all. Snapshot: God has warm opened arms ready to catch you when you fall. He will lift you back up unto your feet and care for you. He will set you free and put you on the right path.

          These are all of the ways God has moved in my life and how he plays a big part in it. I take him everywhere I go and love him so much. He will always be my Lord and Savor. I will always serve him every day even if it's hard at times. He can do so much in your life and really do great things if you put your trust in him.

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