Heavy | Teen Ink


October 19, 2022
By Anonymous

It was a cold and stormy morning, Aiden waits outside in his driveway for the bus to arrive and take him to an education center. Other “students” wait in their driveways further down the street, the sound of cars driving by, their tires splashing in freshly poured puddles in potholes in the street. Aiden’s house is surrounded by trees of different sizes blowing in the wind, just barely visible as the sun ever so slightly peaks over the horizon. Suddenly a sound that can only be described as the malicious, bloodthirsty roar of a lion filled the air, all of the students look down the street to find a large yellow vehicle approaching. As fast as it came, it stopped in front of Aiden’s house, two doors slide open in opposite directions, and inside the vehicle is a woman, she has a larger body type and appears to be in her mind 30’s. Aiden can only assume that this is the transportation he is waiting for and walks up to the large “bus”, the smell inside is foul; smelling of rotten eggs and unwashed, sweaty B.O., the interior is lined with metal with what looks to be leather seats on separate sides of the bus with at least 1 person in each. Luckily he finds an open seat in which he can lie down, and he falls asleep.

He wakes up when the bus comes to an absolute stop, other “students” stand up in a single file line down the single aisleway in the center of the bus. Feeling fatigued, he hastily grabs his bag off of the floor and stands up, one by one the students exit the bus, being the last one in line the anxiety builds up, and thoughts race through his head; “what will it look like?” “Will I know anybody there?” “Will I survive?”, eventually he reaches the front of the bus and exits those same doors from which he entered. As he walks down those last two steps and onto the wet ground a very subtle splash could be heard, he stands there for a moment, observing the absolute gargantuan of a building that stood in front of him, or at least that's what he thought would happen, in fact, the size of the building was quite underwhelming, and it looked nothing like he imagined. The exterior is light brown with red-rimmed windows, the interior is nothing but eggshell-colored hallways with doors lined in them -many with decorations or pictures of the teacher's family on them-, along with his own, Aiden could hear the clacking of other shoes on the hard, marble floor, which, looks to be the same type of floor from the 1950s that has asbestos in the tiles. The halls echo the sound of people talking and laughing, and then a title wave of people surfs through the halls behind him, realizing this he runs for his life, fearing being trampled. Sprinting through the halls he notices a large room and dives into one of the three open doorways to safety, he takes a breather and tries to get a bearing of his surroundings, then he realized that he was in the cafeteria.




Getting up and brushing himself off, he looks around and spots a familiar head of orange hair. His friend, Charlie, was sitting at a table in the cafeteria with other people he knew. With a grin on his face, he went over, greeted them, and sat down, they all talked for what felt like an hour until it was interrupted by a bell.

Ok so this is getting nowhere and i don't feel like setting up more scenery or people so I'm just gonna start writing about the main thing.



Before class starts, he has to go to the media center and pick up his Chromebook, he enters and shows the lady at the counter his ID and she gives him a chromebook with a clear case that has his name on it, unknowing how heavy it would actually be, he put it in his bag. He walks to class and is greeted by the teacher who assigns him his seat, where he is greeted by at least 4 large textbooks, struggling to even pick up one of them he manages to fit them all into his bag and zips it up, he sits down and after an hour introductory to the class the bell rings, preparing himself he grabs the bag and slides it onto his shoulder, he is brought to his knees by the weight of his bag but knows he must persevere. He manages to get onto his feet and starts walking to the next class. He know realizes the true weight that he must carry on his shoulder until the end of the year, and if he doesn't graduate he would have to deal with the mental weight until the day he dies.

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