Cuba | Teen Ink


October 14, 2022
By agdollloverXDdiana BRONZE, Tampa, Florida
agdollloverXDdiana BRONZE, Tampa, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It has been raining all day with a little thunder here and there. Tonight, instead of sleeping with my mom and dad, I am going to sleep with my cousins; like a sleepover even though we were staying for the next 4 weeks there, We made popcorn while the power was still on just in case it went off during the movie, I didn’t even get popcorn because my cousins and brothers took it away for them selfs. We fluffed up the pillows for pillow fights and gave my brother the softest one because if we did not we would see our graves being dug up, we set up the bed and planned on how we would sit to watch the movie and lay down to sleep. To sit we would do a half circle since it was four of us and one laptop, and the sleeping situation was the hardest part to get I would sleep upward, and my cousin would sleep downwards then again that pattern just with my other cousin and my brother on the edge so we could push him off in the morning! So, there we were, an 8-year-old who looked more like an accessory since my cousins were 15 and 19 and my brother 16, watching what I am sure was a 13-plus movie. The power went out and of course was the perfect time for a pillow fight which was started by no other than my brother. While we were watching the movie, he had secretly switched his pillow with the hardest one, so we were getting flung to the wall. While Dariel my brother was trying to kill us our baby cousin arrived with his mom who were walking from where the truck left them, when the storm got worse and the roads got slippery the truck driver said he could not go back up the mountain leavening everyone on the trucks last stop closet to where he could get , when lightning struck again, the baby began to pierce my ears all over again with its horrifying scream and Wales. They would leave soon after her husband returned from work in the mountains, on a motorcycle, so it would take about 2 hours to get there, and we had already finished the movie, which was too much romance to my liking which my cousin responded with 
“So, you close your eyes when they are kissing, but when something Gorey pops up, you are immediately into the movie and like it more than the soft-hearted parts?” 
I get where she gets that thought, my mom loves romance and happy endings while I like gore and horror movies, which is why we never have movie nights or watch movies together in general she says that the type of stuff I watch whould leave her up all night, The power came back but for a limited time only, it turned off for the second time after dark, so we were stuck trying to go to bed without air conditioning, which sucked. And when they turned on the generator, we could only get one fan for all four of us which also sucked because I was going to have a sore throat the next day from breathing in too much artificial air. My aunt's husband had also got stuck in a friend's house since it was too dangerous to drive in the dark on a slippery road, so the baby was staying the night, and yes it screamed all night. I got used to it, but I still could not get a drop of sleep, I was tired, but I was also just lying there, doing nothing, staring at the roof, eating leftover popcorn which was super stale but tasted like McDonalds when you have been in Cuba for half a month and were stuck between two sleeping people and your selfish brother used being older as an excuse to get more popcorn, you whould go crazy to. It was around 4 in the morning when the power came back on and my aunts husband had picked her up, I had to fake sleep when my dad came in to un plug the fan and turn on the air-conditioning in the room, which was like Hevan in that moment, I did eventually fall asleep but it was worse than sleeping on a bed of nails or sleeping next to my grandma who snores like a pig dying. and if that was not fun enough, I was chosen to be the one to be pushed off the bed so in the end I did not get a good night's sleep, had a sore throat, and a 2 huge bruises one from the pillow fight and the other from getting pushed off the bed. 

The author's comments:

its about a trip i did with my family to cuba it was a whole month old but one of my most vibrate memories is this one!

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