following the road of fog | Teen Ink

following the road of fog

February 7, 2022
By Anonymous

Football is not only just a sport and sweat dripping , bloody bruise sport ,but also a life lesson that will guide you through your life . It’s a way of life. It teaches you if you stop pushing , then you will alway get knocked down no matter what. I originally signed up for football to make my dad proud cause he wanted me to play. I was thinking to myself “what if i get injured” and that almost stopped me. I almost didn’t but at the last second , I asked for a helmet and chest piece and made it official that I was playing football. I woke up every day worried to go to football but that slowly changed .

 I became more devoted to working hard and getting stronger to the point where I quit video games. By the first game ,we were doing great . Our team won our first junior high school game with ease, but the hardest games were the ones you played against yourself. You and your team know you can win but you have the right mindset and why you finally get the right one … It's normally too late and you just lose. Those games are tough because you just want to give up and watch the clock hit 0 and all the sweat and tears become worthless. My hardest game was one where we came in the game with the wrong mindset and let them beat us in the first 2 quarters. I was telling my friends that we got this and I was trying to cheer them up so we could win the game. During the 3rd quarter it started raining and thunder started so the game was paused for 30 mins. During these 30 mins we were focused on getting the right mindset .

The rain is still going but the thunder was far enough for the game to continue . We attempted to make a comeback and we didn't care about being wet and cold and it was just the start of the 4th quarter. They Were up by 1 touchdown and we had 2 mins in the 4th quarter, the final quarter and we had the ball.  We got closer and closer …10 secs on the clock. We go for a hail mary and we …. Throw an interception and most just watched as our chances of winning go as the clock hit 0. We walked back to the bus as we became more wet and cold but the rain felt like  it was trying to soak into our pain . I went home and ate some pizza but I felt like I didn't deserve to eat it. Each slice makes me feel more sick of that loss.

 I finish eating and go into my room and make a plan to become stronger and better and the next day at football practice I do really well and repair all the humility I presented at the past game. The next day, I was ready to prove I was good but I knew the coaches were on something when they put me against Ethan … the kid who can probably bench 200 pounds with ease. Each whistle, he pushes and pushes and pushes and each rep I sweat at an unstoppable pace. This continues till I.., BREAK. I fall over during a drill . I gave up and at that moment I feel my confidence shatter as his knee falls on my arm as i'm trying to stop him from crushing me ,and at that moment i could feel my arm shatter into pieces as it was trying to make room for his body to fall on mey arm, The pain didn't start till 20 secs later . I get up screaming ,but not in pain but rather in confusion because my arm was cold and numb and could feel.

 My adrenaline was so high and my breathing and heart rate were racing. The next day, I got to the doctor and they told me I broke it  twice in that one incident . My football season was over because I stopped pushing. 2 months later I can move my arm and weight lift but I struggle to get my reps in but I get my work done. Because i haven't lifted since the summer i regained all my strength fast and built up fast .As i lifted and struggled to do more weight , I started pushing more … I learned the lesson all football players learn and as time went on I was getting closer and closer to my dream ,but that's where my road is at and I will continue to push forward as the fog of time uncovers itself . One day I will make it far in my sports career if i continue

The author's comments:

this peice is a point in my life that was tough

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