2021 Kindness Contest | Teen Ink

2021 Kindness Contest

November 29, 2021
By Anonymous

Not all acts of kindness just have to do with one person. One morning my class advisory was informed that we had adopted a little 3 year old girl's Christmas wish list. As my teacher read the items allowed I knew that I wanted to get at least one thing for her. When I got up there there were only a few options , so I decided to take the Leap Frog Story Time. When I looked it up it was more money than I expected, though I was still going to get it my teacher thought that I should split it with someone.  One of my friends offered to split it with me and it  was a done deal. As the day went on the conversation of getting a gift kept coming up. Now almost all of the gifts were gone and so many kids still wanted to pitch in that the thought of adding more to our group crossed our minds. It wasn’t until English when we had decided to ask the students from advisory if they wanted to join. To my surprise more did than I had thought would’ve, though some did say no, there were more yeses than no’s. 

By the end of the day we ended up having 6 people who had agreed to pitch in for this one toy. This was good because we each didn’t have to pay as much but that’s not what mattered. No one was doing it for the money or to say that they did something good. They all did it because they wanted to make someone happy. This may seem like a very simple thing or the right thing to do, but I have never had that many classmates be willing to come together to do something good for someone else. 

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