The Things I Draw | Teen Ink

The Things I Draw

October 14, 2021
By Quintonimo BRONZE, Lambertville, Michigan
Quintonimo BRONZE, Lambertville, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I put my pencil to the paper and draw an ambiguous line down it, this is what I’ll work with.  I start another line crossing through the first and another, and another.  I step back to see what I have done and see nothing, no conceivable picture yet.  I hear the clock ticking behind me. I look and catch a glimpse of the time, with 15 minutes left in class I want to finish this doodle.  I keep going and it is exhilarating when I see the image in my mind coming to fruition.  With one last sharp stroke of the pencil, I look at the picture and see an image of a rough Spongebob on the paper and forget I was supposed to be doing the assignment.  The bell blares and now I have homework.

I walk out of the class Grudgingly onto the next.  I have English now with Mrs. Heartz, not the worst class but any class is worse than being home.  I am pacing myself because I’m already close no rush is needed.  I get to the door and pause, I don’t open it yet I’m not sure exactly why.  I take a deep breath, open the door, and walk in.  A new seating arrangement how wonderful.  I find my seat and sat down, I pull out my notebook and pencil and begin a new exhibition on the paper, what to draw I thought.

I look around the classroom for inspiration, not much to look at if I’m being honest. The teacher’s desk in the back left corner had pictures of people above it but not my style.  I see an ornament pineapple on her desk, I’ll draw a pineapple.  First I start with the base by drawing thin lines over each other to add texture.  This already looks horrible, I scrap the pineapple idea and look around further.  I look behind me and see posters on the back wall.  I scan over them to see if anything interesting worth drawing is there. Time passes as I act like I’m paying attention I see a sunflower on one of the posters and begin sketching the stem up to the center of the flower.  I darken it then add pedals, I put it on a hill then add some grass.  The bell rings and I leave the classroom off to lunch.

I am walking in the halls to lunch and I hear a familiar voice behind me say my name.  It’s deep, I feel the reverberation in my ears and bounce back.  I turn around and see Ben coming in my direction.  He has long blond hair that goes down past his shoulders and braces.  I inspect his face further and notice something I never had before; he has an abnormally large nose, besides that his eyes are squinty and the color of poo.  We walk and talk on the way to lunch.  He talks low and slow, always sure of what he’s saying he never stutters.  We sit down and eat our slop of the day.

After lunch and homeroom, I have my last class of the day.  I sit down and take notes of the earliest civilizations in India.  I slowly trail off from notes into little doodles here and there on my notebook I start drawing faces one more, another, and another until the page is no longer notes with doodles, but now doodles with notes.  So many faces some big some small, thin, wide all kinds of faces until I get bored.  I look at the clock with half the hour left I slouch down in my chair almost like butter melting in a pan.  I start sketching another face and wait for my teacher to be done babbling.  When class ends I walk to my cousin and her friends’ car we hop in and make our daring escape from this grim place.  I get home, lend my goodbyes and walk inside.  I go to my room, plunk into my bed, and drift off into a warm, cozy nap to dream of all the things I’ve drawn.

The author's comments:

For this assignment, I couldn't really bring myself to write about something important to me so I wrote about my pencil.

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