My Name | Teen Ink

My Name

October 7, 2021
By maxknull SILVER, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
maxknull SILVER, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A name’s legacy should be something you create, not something you must live up to. But Max is that to me. I am not the first in my family to have the name Max. 

In Latin, Max translates to greatest. In English we often use max to define the largest amount, with something that is the best. There will always be standards that follow being the greatest. The name Max is a pair of shoes I must fit into that are two sizes too big.  A shadow that's always following me in my footsteps.

My Great Grandfather was the first to have the name Max. Born in Germany and then moved to Wisconsin seventy years ago, he worked as a mason. 

My name is red like a brick. A single brick is strong, just like he was. But multiple bricks together have the opportunity to create something great. The greatest. 

Red is the color of passion. I have always been taught to live life with passion. Something that has been passed down from generations. I always strive to be passionate about everything I can and to take nothing for granted.

Not being the only Max in my family is strange, but I wouldn’t want it any other way. To my family, I am little Max. I will always be known as that too. But my relationship with my Great Grandfather is unbreakable. I know how important he is to my entire family for all that he sacrificed for myself and others to be here. This is motivation for me to succeed.

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