Memoir Story | Teen Ink

Memoir Story

March 23, 2021
By Anonymous

My brother Elijah was complaining about how long it was taking to get to get the beach. He was complaining because he said his legs were hurting from all the peddling. Meanwhile my Dad was complaining about the breaks on his bike and how it was too hard to peddle. His face was red as a tomato because he was so mad. He was riding slowly while the breaks were squeaking. My grandpa Bob was also riding slowly just because he wanted to take his time and enjoy the cool breeze on his face. In the same way my grandma Terry and my mom Jennifer were riding with ease and mom let her hair fly freely in the wind. They both looked relaxed. Me on the other hand was riding steadily with worries on my mind other than feeling the warmth of the sand between my toes. 
Once we reached the beach, we all took a breath and looked out onto the ocean’s surf where the magnificent sun was hanging over the water's edge. The air felt cool like a hot day with the air conditioning turned on. The breeze made the palm trees' palms flap like the wings of a bird. The atmosphere was calm and there was not a sound to be heard but except for the sound of waves crashing and the laughter of children in the distance. The sun was a cool, calm orange color that was soothing to the eyes. It was starting to die over the water's edge. 
My Dad sat down on the sand and took a long soft sigh. He looked relived to finally get off his bike. I sat down next to him and he asked me “Isn't it beautiful?” We both looked out into the water where the sun lay a little more than half now. I thought about how to answer his question because I felt like there was a better word to describe the magnificence's of the sun. I finally came up with an answer. 
I said to my Dad, “The sun is awesome!”  
My Dad agreed with a nod while laughing. “The sun is pretty awesome.” 
My grandpa, grandma, and mother were also sitting on cool sand and watching the majestic sun going down. They all seemed to be relaxed and not a worry seemed to cross their minds because their breathing was easy and peaceful. My brother Elijah on the other hand was splashing around in the waves, not giving any thought about his nice clothes being all wet. My brother was just being himself as always. He yelled, “The water feels great you guys should put your feet in!” 
My Dad said, “No thanks you enjoy.” 
My Mom and grandma said, “We are already cold enough. My grandpa’s response was, by just shaking his head no. 
I responded by saying, “Wait for me!” So, I dashed over to the water and splashed around in the water. I felt the water start to get a little cooler every few minutes and I knew that sharks would start to come soon, because my grandpa told me sharks come to eat at night. 
 The sun is gone now. My Mom said, “Let's go boys!”  
Me and my brother said, “Okay.” 
We rode in silence for a while, it was probably because we were all so tired and exhausted from ten minutes of peddling and it was getting late. The sidewalk lights were so bright that if you looked at it, you would go blind. We parked our bikes outside the condo and walked up the five flights of stairs to our room. My head hit the pillow and my eyes started to close and then I was in a new world. The sound of the ocean waves still rung in my ear. The smell of salt water was still in my nose. The sunset was still clear in my mind. 

The author's comments:

My memoir is about me and my family going on a bike to the beach to watch the sunset.

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