Adventures at the beach | Teen Ink

Adventures at the beach

March 23, 2021
By reeseomalley5 BRONZE, Tampa, Florida
reeseomalley5 BRONZE, Tampa, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The hot sun was hitting my freshly tanned skin.  There wasn’t a cloud in the sky, and the deep crystal sea was beneath me. My hands swiftly go through the water,  paddling on my surfboard waiting for a wave.  I hear waves crashing on the shore and the smell of the crisp salty air floods my senses.   I look behind me and see the mountains and the beautiful plumeria flowers smiling back.  I look over the hushed waters and see a pack of majestic animals, sea turtles. They swim as I paddle through the gaping ocean. The turtles follow me as if I'm their leader. I go over waves staring at the turtles with awe. 
I called out to my sister, “Hurry Kaia, there’s turtles following me!”  
Kaia yells back to me, “I’m coming, don’t let them leave!” 
She finally reaches me, coming up from behind, she yells in amazement and I immediately say, “be quiet, you’re going to scare them.” 
We gazed at them for a few moments, moving and dancing through the blue water, and then we reached down and gently touched them. We were so thrilled to be that close to something to majestic and peaceful.  They were so big, and their shells told a story of wounds and battle scars that they had earned throughout their many years in the Hawaiian islands oceans.  They calmly let us gloss our fingers over their backs. Their shells felt like hard slime.  We weren’t scared and they didn’t seem to be either. They were calm and so we were as well. We traveled with these amazing creatures for a while, up and over the unsteady waves they swam rapidly while Kaia and I cut through the water using our arms to keep up with their pace.  Not really paying attention to how far we were moving across the ocean waters, the turtles began to swim out further than we had planned on going.  Kaia whined saying, “we should follow them!”  
I replied, “I don’t think that’s a good idea, it’s too far out and we could get lost.” 
As we watched them continue their journey, I could feel the hot sun and breeze on my face, it was a tranquil and fortunate moment.  We felt surrounded and aware of all of God’s Greatness in that moment.  The overwhelming beauty that was all around us; the glorious green mountains, the beautiful sandy beaches, the calm, clear blue waters, the majestic, peaceful creatures, it was all a part of  
God’s amazing creation.  This unbelievable world and all the beauty that is in it, is a direct reflection of God and his magnificence.  I have never felt closer to Him than at that moment.   
It all came together as a peaceful memory to be with these sea turtles in their own space, to be blessed enough to see these great creations of God and feel immersed in the goodness of His works.  There are certain moments and places where you can feel Jesus around you, you almost feel like you can hear His voice.  For me, this memory and anytime I am immersed in the glory of nature, I feel this way.  It is indescribable the amount of joy and peace that it brings my soul. 
Finally, after staring at the world around me and below me, we softly said, “goodbye” and continued back on our own journey, riding on a wave into the shore.  We sat that evening on the shoreline and watched the sun set right over the beautiful ocean.  I silently sat in prayer thanking God for such an amazing moment and day, for giving me the opportunity to enjoy and marvel over this beautiful earth He has allowed us to enjoy.  I am forever grateful. 

The author's comments:

This memory was very special to me. I go to Hawaii every summer and it is my favorite place ever. 

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