I am not | Teen Ink

I am not

March 15, 2021
By Mason22 SILVER, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
Mason22 SILVER, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Letter to my past self, I am writing this letter to inform you on what things that you should do in order to live a better life. I am not the best at public speaking so spend more time out in public and talk more to people. You will find yourself in a better position than the Mason that is writing to you right now. You should also practice typing more because I am not a fast typer, and with fast typing you will be able to complete things a lot faster than it would take. Study hard and pay attention in spanish class because now after three years of spanish I am still not fluent in the language. I am not deceived with my decisions and I am not ambitious. These things will be a life changer if you become ambitious and find something that you are passionate about. On the other hand I am not a bad person. I tend to help people out or do things for people because that is what a good person does, that's who I am. I am not in a bad friend group, they all are good people and will help when it is needed. I am not the best cook, I only know how to make a couple of things, but the things that I do make are healthy and good for you. If I were you I would try cooking more and try new food so you are prepared for the future.

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