Dancing in the Sky | Teen Ink

Dancing in the Sky

October 16, 2019
By mlittle777 BRONZE, Farmington, New Hampshire
mlittle777 BRONZE, Farmington, New Hampshire
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

There we are in grammy and gramps spy car on our way to the zoo. My brother Malachi and I amazed by their car we found a plug that comes out of where you would charge your phone. We pulled it out, touched the seat, burning a little hole. Quickly we put it back and kept on with our day. Spending hours at the zoo with three of my favorite people. One is my grandfather the loudest patriots fan you could ever meet, he was very kind and the most forgiving person. For example, we didn't hide that hole we burnt into his car seat very well. He had the biggest heart I knew. 

My dad grew up never knowing his dad and his mom was not in his life very much. Until his mom met my grandpa Bob then his life was changed. My dad was about 18  when he finally had a dad figure in his life even though he was now an adult he appreciated him like crazy. Then one day my grammy and grandpa decided they were no longer meant for each other. Even though they decided that my dad still looked at my grandpa as his own father and always saw him and hung out. My grandpa then met my grammy Jane. She was a beautiful woman with a heart just as kind as my grandpas. Then my brother and I came along and got to be in these amazing people's lives. My grandpa always came to our house and had days where he would take just my brother and me out with grammy as well. Those were the best memories I have we were so close with them and life couldn't have been better.

On October 8, 2015, around 9 at night we had a call that turned our worlds around. My brother and I were getting ready for bed for school the next morning. It was my grammy Jane calling, She was so upset she could barely talk. My dad has cried only about one time in front of me my dad busted out crying and my mom ran trying to comfort him and I knew something bad happened. My grammy had told us my grandpa was in a car crash and was in the hospital. My brother asked if we could go see him and my dad said we would on Saturday two days away because of school. We were woken on Saturday morning by another call this one even worse. My grandpa had passed away due to a heart attack. My dad was a wreck I just remember crying wishing we went sooner I imagine my dad did as well. This was one of the toughest times in our life. Some time had passed and I had been listening and singing the song “Dancing in the Sky” by Danni and Lizzy. “Tell me what does it look like in heaven? Is it peaceful? Is it free like they say? Does the sun shine bright forever? Have your fears and pain gone away?” Those lyrics just repeating in my head hoping he was enjoying himself in heaven. I remember laying on my floor just crying every day up until his funeral. 

My dad asked me to sing that song at his funeral I said yes. I remember being so nervous my dad had written a poem to read at the funeral and then my song was next. My dad's poem was so touching I was already starting to cry I tried to pull myself together before it started. I got up to the podium I remember my hands being so sweaty it was if I washed them and never dried them. Seeing everyone made me more nervous all eyes were on me. My voice cracked just realizing this is real he is gone. I started to cry and I wasn't the only I didn't see a dry eye in the room. I remember singing, “Cause here on earth it feels like everything is missing since you left, and here on earth everything different there's an emptiness.” As soon as I sang those lyrics I couldn't hold back my tears I tried my best to finish the song. After everyone clapped I felt some sort of happiness you could say like a weight was lifted off my shoulders. Realizing these lyrics make heaven an amazing place and he was no longer in pain he was “Dancing in the sky.” 

I have come to realize I lost someone important that day but that song helps me hurt less knowing he's pain-free forever now. I still listen to the song and think of my grandpa, but happy thoughts I still miss him very much and wish I could have said goodbye. Looking back I used to get sadder when this song would play but the lyrics mean something different to me now. This song will now help me keep those memories because every time I hear it I think of him.

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