A Good Song With A Great Connection | Teen Ink

A Good Song With A Great Connection

October 16, 2019
By Anonymous

Everyone has that song, the type of song that really means something to you. The type of song that made you want to get up and dance or the song that made you sing along no matter what. It’s the type of song you would sing or listen to when you think of it. The type of song that made certain words remind you of it.

               I have this one song that I absolutely did not understand when I was younger. I liked the song anyway of course, but I liked it because my dad would always sing it when he was home or in the car and I caught on to it so I would sing it too. The song was called “Ob la di, Ob la da”, by The Beatles. I think I really started liking it because my aunt and uncle played it for their kids sometimes so whenever they heard the song they would sing too. The first time I heard it with them was at a Christmas party over their house while we were playing games. When I was little we used to listen to lots of older music but I also listened to pop music. The song does have a meaning to me now, I think it means life goes on no matter what day or what it is you’re going through. A lyric from the song is “Ob la di, ob-la-da, life goes on, bla, La-la, how the life goes on”. I think that it’s very clear that they are trying to say that life goes on no matter what you’re going through.

                 When I heard this song for the first time ever we were in the car and my dad knew the song so he turned it up and started singing it. The song sounded really mellow and their voices sounded really relaxed and they sounded like they were telling a story. I was listening to it and noticing the background music and how uplifting, and how calming, and how happy it made you feel. I soon enough got a part of the song which was only “ob la di, ob la da” but I sang it anyway. When the song was finished my dad would always say “oh that was one of my favorite songs”.  My sister would also always say how she finds it funny how they call themselves “The Beatles” even though they aren't actual beetles. Words that remind me of the song are people saying “life goes on” or “blah blah blah” and even when I am just sitting somewhere I think of it a lot. 

               One time in seventh grade we were taking a test but we were allowed to listen to music and I was stuck on a few questions and got stressed so I listened to that song and it reminded me that I will be fine and that it’s ok as long as I did my best. The song made me want to just hang out with my family and my cousins who also enjoy the song as well. I think my family could listen to it thousands of times and never get annoyed with it.  At a Christmas party, we have at my aunt and uncle's house we would all be in their living room and we would have that song on at least a few times and we would play charades. This song made my family feel as happy as a daisy in a field of flowers.  

               This song means more to me now than it did when I was a little bit younger. That song created a lot of memories with my family. It would make me feel better when I am in a bad mood and it would lift me up. I went home from school from having the worst day ever and I would listen to it and I started to feel better. Whenever we hear it play we always sing along to it because it makes us happy and I always think about my family when I hear it because they enjoy it too. Whenever we listen to it we sing, we also dance a lot and, laugh because we have fun.

               Another lyric from the song is, “In a couple of years they have built a home sweet home with a couple of kids running in the yard” this reminds me of my family because when I was very little around a year old my mom and dad decided we needed a bigger home, so they decided to build one.  The house was bigger than our older house and it had a lot of space. The house had a big yard and a big backyard and the house was really nice. They had three of us kids at the time and after living there for about 3 years they had my little sister and we would always be in the yard running around with her. 

                Now I can understand the meaning of the song and now I know what the lyrics are about. I understand that the lyrics mean that life goes on no matter what situation you are in. I still think of this song when people say “life goes on” or even “blah blah blah”. I have a pretty good connection with this song and I think it’s a good song to hear and listen to.

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