Small Bracelet, Big Moments | Teen Ink

Small Bracelet, Big Moments

October 9, 2019
By Anonymous

It is Wednesday, I walk into a room straight from an elementary school. White walls and  the same floor as any other school building. In my path stands a table holding a pile of gray t-shirts. As I continue to look around, I notice that in the center of the room, rows of black folding chairs are arranged. In front of those lies a screen and instruments - guitar, drums, and a microphone. Groups of kids are huddled around talking about their day, ready to get started. Today is the MORE Fall Kickoff. Having never attended an event for Bridgepoint church, I was nervous and excited to meet new people and to also enjoy time with the friend who had brought me.

I couldn’t be more thankful that I had gotten invited to youth group that night by Savanna who is not only my best friend, but is also the pastor’s daughter and a great example of a follower of Jesus. Ever since I have known her, she has shown me nothing less than how a true best friend really is. After that night, and multiple other times at youth group, I discovered that I have a God shaped hole in my heart. I was excited to grow my faith and therefore I began coming to regular Sunday service along with youth group on Wednesdays. 

On March 17, I walked into a long building with windows all along the outside for Bridgeopoint’s Sunday service for the first time. Through the front door, I walk in to see rows of black folding chairs all lined up and ready for the members of the church to listen to Pastor Craig preach. Savanna and I walk through the auditorium and into fellowship hall where a table full of coffee, tea, and donuts stand. We greet those who I have already met at youth group and introduce me to those who I have never met. Now, 7 months later, my parents also attend.  

One Sunday after church, Savanna gifted me with a teal bracelet that reads “God Is Bigger”. Teal with bold black letters, my bracelet is constantly radiating the huge impact of small words. Worn almost everyday, I look down at my right wrist to see yet another reminder of God’s grace. I carry the bracelet as a token of not only the friendship Savanna and I have, but also a clear image of what God is currently working on in my life. Everyday before school, I place this bracelet onto my wrist and as I do it, I am overwhelmed with thoughts. It is clear that the blessings God has given me are all apart of His grand plan for me and my life. 

In conclusion, I carry my “God is Bigger Bracelet” as a reminder of how I've grown my faith and who has played a huge role in my doing so. I am so thankful for this and want to do nothing but continue to get closer with God. I believe that God placed Savanna in my life right when I needed her and is proving that He knows the plans He has for me. 

The author's comments:

I am currently a junior in high school. My favorite thing to do is play volleyball, I am on Bedford's team. I also enjoy writing and staying active when I am not on the court. 

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