Hearts Full Of Love | Teen Ink

Hearts Full Of Love

October 9, 2019
By Jennaal BRONZE, Temperance, Michigan
Jennaal BRONZE, Temperance, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

   A winter candy apple candle lifts in the air as light snow polishes the ground. Home Alone flashed on the television as the tree sparkles with a light show. Fuzzy blankets lay in the family room as the fireplace crackles with heat. Under the tree, rests presents full of love and thought wrapped piece by piece. The countdown on the kitchen wall now marks zero, as the 25th of December has already crept upon the year. My mom, dad, sister, and I sit and give out our presents to each other. In my pile a tiny silver box with red paper sits on the top, waiting for me to open it. As I open the box a bright silver pandora ring lies in the black velvet box. The microscopic heart stands in the middle, as my sister opens the same ring. My mom also has a tiny rectangular shaped box on the top of her shining present pile. This ring is a symbol that reminds me of a thousand memories and various emotions. 

   Many pictures show all of the places we have been together, creating memories of a lifetime. Flying over lands of green to board the boat in bright blue waters in the sunshine state. Living on the alluring Carnival Horizon with my mom and sister for seven liveliness days, which consisted of laughing and sitting in the ravishing atrium and dinner table. Laying on the top desk scorching in the Caribbean sun. Also, traveling not as far to the land of Clevland, Ohio to visit family and celebrate birthdays. Sending my sister to a college in the stunning and busy city of Columbus, Ohio. Spending time on campus together or walking into the Ohio State Stadium to watch something we are all passionate about. Whether it is sitting on the couch or traveling the country, my mom and sister will forever be my favorite people to take on life with. 

   Always working her hardest to achieve her dreams. My role model sets expectations very high. Seven years apart but could be mistaken for twins. Always there for a shoulder to lean on. Helping me with homework, advice, and taking on adventures together. Going to Cedar Point, concerts, and football games make the days go by faster, having something to look forward to together. My sister is the purest exemplar of going after what you want and creating a bright future for yourself. A second role model, my Mom, has shown me and guided me to create an opportunity for myself by working my hardest in everything I do. She has helped me in so many things in different ways that I could never repay her. From helping me stay on top of everything like sports and school. From cooking meals every night and washing the dishes or clothes. A specific time I remember them both being there for me is at my SEC swim meet last school season. As whistles blow from left and right and the cold water turns to small white splashes, I look up from behind the block.  I press my goggles tight down onto my cheeks, my heart starts to pound as I have a long 500 ahead of me to swim. Up above me, I see that my sister has driven all the way from Columbus to Eastern Michigan to come watch me compete. To her left, my mom sits beside her always being at every swim meet to cheer me on. 

   As I look down every day, this tiny piece of metal with a rose gold heart means so much more to me. It reminds me of the love and support I have from my mom and sister. I am able to be humbled by how lucky I am to have two amazing women in my life. Whereas some people are not able to have these types of people to grow up with. As I spend most of my days with them, I never take one of them for granted.

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