My Name | Teen Ink

My Name

October 9, 2019
By Anonymous

In English Lauren means “sweet of honor” and “wisdom”. In Irish, Lorcan, means fierce.  A happy color like yellow. The innocence of a flower, like a yellow daffodil. A patch of sunflowers on a sunny day. 

My mom gave me the name Lauren because of its French culture. She was passionate about the language and culture. The beauty of the landscape. She studied abroad for 3 months in college and fell in love with it. . Later on, when she had me she gave me the French sounding name. 

My mom. She means the world to me. I’m so blessed to have a mom that will do anything for her kid. I know some people are named by their relatives. However, I am named after something that is very important in her life. 

At school, my name is called a lot, from multiple different people.  There is a whole population at my school with the name Lauren. Almost every class I go to there is always two of us. Getting back each other's test and then having to tell the teacher. It’s the daily routine. 

From my family heritage I am 75% Irish. My dad’s side of the family is almost all Irish and my mom’s side is half Irish. I think it’s funny how my mom picked Lauren for its French culture when it matches my family heritage so well. 


I normally go by the name lolo or lo to my friends, lomo to my coaches  and sometimes Goose to my parents. You wonder if your name matches your personality. But, after the years of figuring out who I really am. I have found myself as sweet and honorable. Like a sunflower in a sunflower patch. I can be fierce when needed. For example, during a soccer game or a 5k. I think my name matches my personality pretty well. 

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