Family is the Most Imporant | Teen Ink

Family is the Most Imporant

May 20, 2019
By Anonymous

In August my mom thought of an idea to have the whole family go on a vacation to Wisconsin Dells. The week of the 21st of September I took a day off of school which was a Wednesday, so I could look and see if I had all the things I needed before we left for our trip. On Thursday I went to school so I could see what I will miss out on Friday. The day went by so fast, I couldn’t wait to go to the dells with my family. When school ended it was the first day of Art Club so I made something special for my mom thanking her for planning this trip. I arrive home and just like that it was time to go to sleep before we head out for our trip tomorrow.

I jump out of bed the next morning very excited. I rush to get ready as I don't want to waste anytime. I brush and curl my long blonde hair. Put on eyeshadow to make sure my blue eyes are the first thing people notice. I braid my moms frizzy hair and help my sister Mckenzie pack her clothes because she didn’t know what to pack. When we get into the car my mom gets a phone call from my Grandma who said that we should have breakfast at the Pine Cone. It's a long drive to the Pine Cone but it is on the way to the Wisconsin Dells. On the car ride there we jam out to Hannah Montana and 1 Direction. When we arrive to the restaurant we park in the parking lot waiting for my Grandma. A van pulls up next to us and I roll down my window to see the back of a curly red head. She turns around and it's Grandma. As we get out of the car to greet her it's warm but the wind is harsh making it seem colder than it really was. I hug uncle Justin who seems to have grown 18 inches from the last time I saw him and aunt Amanda who was 6 months pregnant. As we walk into the restaurant there was a comforting feeling, it was decorated to feel as if we were eating breakfast in the woods with long, tall pine trees painted on the walls and the smell of burning wood lingering throughout the restaurant. When we are seated we order our drinks. I ordered an Oreo milkshake just like uncle Justin. As we are looking for food to eat we talk about what we are going to do for the Day ahead of us. Breakfast, Hotel, Swimming and Dinner at Monk's Restaurant and Grille. We get our food, my cinnamon bun was huge and very warm with soft, gooey frosting. Mckenzie and I decided to ride the rest of the way with Grandma, aunt Amanda and uncle Justin.

We finally arrived at the Wilderness. When we walk into the lobby the smell of chlorine hits me as we check into the cabin we will be staying in. The cabin was huge. Five rooms, three bathrooms and a huge kitchen. The living room went skyhigh and the back wall was covered in windows with a view of the lake that took place in the back of the cabin. We hung out at the cabin and unpacked our bags a little bit while we wait for everyone else to arrive. We decided to go to the outdoor mall. We went there to waste time while we are wait for my 2 aunts to get here. We all split up when we get to the mall. My mom and I love to shop so everyone was getting impatient everytime her and I went into a store. It was getting pretty late when I suddenly saw two short, brown haired people walk toward us. My aunts Libbie and Beckie met us at the mall and we headed back to The Wilderness to go swimming.

We had to drive to the waterpark because it was quite a walk from our cabin. As we sprint down the hallways of the hotel, we arrive to the Roarin’ Waters Wave pool Dome. Before the waves start a bell goes off and the waves start rolling. 5 minutes of wave time. 3 minutes of nothing. Uncle Justin, Mckenzie and I scram into the waves. Than the rest of my family comes into the wave pool and we all stand in a long line holding hands has the strong waves hit our chests.  Once the waves ended I look around to see that we got knocked around so much that I couldn’t find anyone. It was like playing a game of finding Waldo because there were so many people in the wave pool. After finding each other we all decided to go onto the Dueling Mammoths water slide. We were all screaming and splashing each other going down the slide, when we reached the bottom we got whipped in the face with water. Afterwards we gathered everything and walked to the next swimming area that contained the world’s largest Hurricane slide, a hot tub for the adults, and a giant bucket that gets filled with water every 10 minutes and over 100 gallons of water gets dropped on your head. Everytime Mckenzie, uncle Justin and I enter a lazy river we always have a race where we get into a one person tube and we try to swim as fast as we can to get back to the beginning of the lazy river. There are twists and turns and people always in your way.

Afterwards everyone met by the towel pickup/drop off stand and we drove back to the cabin. We all took showers and drove down to Monk's Bar and Grille. Our family is so large we had to separate into two different tables, as we are all munching down on warm gooey cheese curds and stuffing our faces with burgers we talk about what we want to do for the rest of the night while cracking jokes and getting dirty looks from other people in the restaurant because we are so loud. As we walk back to our cabin I feel the cool crisp air slashing my face as uncle Justin hands me his sweater. We stay at the cabin for the rest of the night playing Cards Against Humanity and talking about my cousin who is about to be born soon, boring things like what hospital aunt Amanda will go to and when her due date is. Although this conversation had no interest to me it was comforting knowing we are all sitting at the table laughing and enjoying the card game without arguing.

The last day was not a very fun day for me. It was finally time to go home. We grab all of our clothes and clean up the garbage covering the kitchen counters and the splotches of eyeshadow on the bathroom counters. We all give each other hugs and say our goodbyes. It was a sad day for me because that was the first weekend that we all spent time together and I would’ve done anything to relive that weekend.

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