One Moment | Teen Ink

One Moment

April 12, 2019
By ssmith123 BRONZE, Ks, Kansas
ssmith123 BRONZE, Ks, Kansas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My team and I have been playing this team since the night before because the game got rained out so we had to finish the game even no my team was losing and there were only 15 minutes left. It was a decent call to call the game. It was because our uniforms, gear, and coaches were soaked. Everyone had died down because the wind made the rain feel twice as cold. It was also because no one wanted to wake up early and go play for 15 minutes on a wet field. So went home and the next day came back with only 15 minutes left on the clock. We were in the field with 2 out already so we got to bat quickly. When we got in the dugout all my coach said was

“It’s all just a game so when you go out to the plate take a breath look at me to get the sign then do your best to get on base.”

Then he walked out to third base. Two girls goes go up to the plate and for both of them, my heart is pounding my hands were starting to shake. I was nervous and everyone could tell. I didn’t want to go up to bat with all the pressure that was already there and added on to that two outs. So I was hoping that they don’t get out and get on base.

The first girl went down swinging because the game got in her head and she couldn’t focus. The second girl was at the plate sweating and I could tell with a doubt that she was nervous so could everybody else. She didn’t listen to the coach and didn’t look back at the coach to get in signs she just swung and missed. So just like that, I was up to bat with two outs and no one on. When I was walking up the crowd was cheering me on so was my team. The chant they used for me was

“Uh oh here we go it's 1 0”

it felt good to have them and the crowd cheering, yet above all the cheering the loudest voice was my mom she was yelling louder than anyone else. And what I heard from her was the most important thing

“ Slow down sis take your time and HIT THE BALL!”

Then just like that, I was calm so I looked back at coach and got the sign he told me to just hit the ball so that what I did.

First pitch I want to swing but I had to fight the urge so when it went by I knew I was right not to swing because it was fast but to high. The second pitch was perfect so I swung I could tell that I missed because I didn’t feel the amazing feeling of hitting the perfect pitch and the crowd didn’t light up with cheering.  But before the third pitch, I stepped out of the box took a deep breath wiped al the sweat off and realized that is all just a game a nothing will happen if I get out except for a lose. The third pitch was perfect so I swung and I didn’t miss a second time. The ball soared into the outfield and I took the chance and got a double. When the next girl comes up she does the same thing but the one difference was someone scored that someone was me. The game ended and I was the who helped lead the team to victory. Everyone on the team ran out on the field as soon as I scored and was giving out high fives and hugs cheering nonstop. The best part of it was when I got out of the dugout and my mom was so excited and so was I.

The author's comments:

im 14 I like playing soft ball and I am in a tournement basically every other week

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