My Best Friend | Teen Ink

My Best Friend

October 19, 2018
By Anonymous

Sitting on my floor staring at the picture, I can’t believe it’s going to happen soon. She’s my best friend, my first dog, and I'm going to say goodbye soon. I feel a tear fall from my eye, I’ve never had to experience this...yet, and it hurts. I feel my stomach twist and turn from thinking about the day to come.  

I walk into my room and look to my right on the floor, I see my dog sleeping on the pillow I put on my floor for her because laying on hard floors are hard for her, I crouch down and just look at her. She’s so cute, she didn’t hear me come in because she’s now deaf. I start to pet her, it startled her. She looks at me with her big brown eyes, I smell her doggy breath.  I sit on my floor and kiss her forehead. I think about the future and what is going to happen with her. I walk over to my window and grab my polaroid camera, I wanna get some pictures of her before she goes… I once again sit on my floor and try and get her to look at me. I capture two beautiful pictures of her. I wait till the pictures developed and put them on my shelf right next to my door, I prop them up so I can always see them.

Sissy is a runt, she’s the smallest boxer-pit mix i have seen. When we got her, we were told she was just a boxer, but I always knew she had to be mixed with something because she doesn't look like all the other boxers I've seen. can tell in her face that she’s part pitbull; her face and eyes are shaped like a pitbull’s. She is almost all brown, but she has some white on her chest, paws, and face. The white on her face is just a stripe between her eyes; it starts right above her eyes and goes all the way down like an inch from her black nose. Most boxers have ears that stand up, but not her. Her ears flop down and touch her face. As of most boxers, she has a little nub as a tail. My whole family is glad about that because she’s always wagging her tail. She one of the nicest dogs I’ve ever met; yeah ,she’s old and has her mean moments now, but that doesn't change how much I love her.

My animals always come first in my life. Even though I have more than one animal, aissy will always come before the rest of them because she’s been in my life the longest.he’s my first dog, and she’s not going to be here much longer. I still care about all my animals, but Sissy is just a little bit more important to me.  She’s brought me so much joy and happiness over the past 11 years; I don't know what i'm going to do when she’s not here with me anymore.

The author's comments:

Shes my best friend, shes my everything

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This article has 1 comment.

MrsHeartz said...
on Nov. 8 2018 at 2:57 pm
MrsHeartz, Sylvania, Ohio
0 articles 0 photos 5 comments
Beautiful story of how much your dog means to you. Through your details and vivid imagery, you show the love you have for her.