The Mitt | Teen Ink

The Mitt

October 11, 2018
By NoahJ456 SILVER, Temperance, Michigan
NoahJ456 SILVER, Temperance, Michigan
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I walked into the door of my old brick house. The smell of lavender rushed into my nose from the mistifier last was left on from the day before. I walked up the stairs to my room and felt the soft carpet comforting my feet like a million little clouds supporting me. I walked into my room and no longer the smell of lavender, but a natural Autumn breeze flows through my open windows giving off a smell of pine and sending shivers down my spine. Birds are singing with glee as they bask in the sun. I can’t help but think to myself, “What an amazing day!”

Just then, I realize that I have a baseball game in an hour so I start putting everything together. I go to grab my mitt and then I freeze in place. I drift off into another world, a world of memories. I think of all the magical times i’ve had with that mitt. They hit me like a rushing flood and without even trying, I think of my dad playing catch with me, my first game won, and my first time making the all-star team. A tear runs down my beat eyes as I think of these wonderful memories that lead me to this moment of my life and baseball career. I blink back into reality and all of a sudden, I’m playing shortstop, it’s the bottom of the 7th, and my team is up by one. The ball is hit line drive right to me and…..

My dad wakes me up from this dream I’m still in. Tiny remains of wood chips from the chainsaw cover his slick head and broad shoulders. With a single shake of his no sleeve shirt all the chips fly off. He sternly reminds my that my game is in 10 minutes and I need to leave now! He fills my water, makes me a quick sandwich, and starts my car, all just for me, before sending me off with a goodbye hug. I drove my way to the field and started to warm up my arm by throwing a torn baseball back and forth. The team we were facing, “The Base Hogs” finally arrived and we started our first game of the season. Our teams were well matched so the innings were  long but went by fast. So far, this game was the best game of my life! In the top of the seventh inning, I went up to bat and I gripped the bat with all my strength. The tiny fibers of the batting gloves were ripping apart with every practice swing. The pitcher throws a couple balls and as I wait with anticipation, I see the catcher give the fastball signal. All I could think of was, “This is my chance.” The pitcher throws the ball right down the center of the plate, the ball flies in slow motion, and thwack! the ball goes flying into the air and past the center fielders head. I run all the way to third base and got one of my guys in to make the score now 18-17.

The next batter struck out and we were all brought into the dugout for a pep talk. Afterwards, we take the field and I’m placed at shortstop. Our best pitcher Joey takes the mound and immediately strikes out 2 batters. The next up to bat is their best hitter, notorious for hitting home runs, and obliterates the ball hitting the fastest line drive. It all comes down to this moment in time that could make or break this entire game. The ball soars right for my chest and….. Smack! The ball fit perfectly in my mit, making him the third out and our team the champions of the tournament!

The author's comments:

This writting is about my baseball mitt that I've been using since my very first year of baseball. Also, this goes through one of my favorite memories with the mitt and my baseball career overall. 

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