My Meaningful Picture | Teen Ink

My Meaningful Picture

October 11, 2018
By karleighpo29 BRONZE, Temperance, Michigan
karleighpo29 BRONZE, Temperance, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Some people have someone in mind when they need to talk to somebody. That person might be their mom, dad, brother, best friend or their significant other. Some people might not have anybody, and there is nothing wrong with that. When I need to talk to someone, there is one person that I always go to, my boyfriend. Some people have someone that they always want to take pictures with. Mine also happens to also be my boyfriend. We love taking pictures together. Our phones are filled with thousands of different pictures in different settings and times.

Standing there in pose, anxiously trying to take pictures. We know that we will mess around and get some good ones. We are always taking pictures, so we know that we will get some picture worthy ones. Rose gold phone in hand, continuously clicking the button in hopes to get a cute picture. Looking through the hundred silly pictures, not really liking any, I grab the red, shiny Polaroid and continue taking pictures. Smiling and waiting for the bright white light to flash upon our eyes. At this moment, time felt like it had stopped.

Comfy, cozy, and welcoming is how I would describe my room.The smell of fall leaves and eucalyptus lingers in the afternoon air. The cool, fall breeze gusts into the room as we stand there in that very moment. The coral and grey room full of bright, colorful pictures is the place that we spend most of our time together. My string lights on, to make the look of the picture look brighter. With the lights dim and dark, the curtains being open makes the lighting of the picture look a little more elegant. Mirrors surrounding, waiting for you to walk up and use them.

The one that I can go to for all of my problems. There hasn't been a time where I needed to get someone's opinion and he didn't help me in some way. No matter if he is busy or bored, he will stop what he is doing to help others. I can't think of any other words than kind, caring and compassionate. Always putting others before himself. The moment I laid eyes on him I could tell that there was something different. Something that no others had. He was always happy, and knew exactly what to say at every moment.  

When someone says “think of a person that you feel comfortable with and ask them a question relating to your life,” I always know that I am going to go to him. We are the ones that we go to for everything, and we always have an answer for the other person. Putting other people before ourselves, we make a great team. Taking pictures on our phones is fun, but we like to take them on the polaroid because then we have an actual picture that we can hold and bring wherever with us. Those are only some of the reasons I carry that picture in the back of my phone.  

The author's comments:

I had to write this piece of writing because it was an assignment in school. I wrote it about the meaning behind the picture that I carry in the back of my phone case. Why I carry it and why I don't take it out. 

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