The Sweet Smell of Autumn | Teen Ink

The Sweet Smell of Autumn

October 2, 2018
By Whole_note SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
Whole_note SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The trees transformed into their fall selves, day by day, losing leaves, the grass shriveling brown. We live near a farm. By mid October everyone rages about pumpkins.

Zipping our jackets, slipping into our identical fur boots, my two sisters Kailey, Ashlie, and I along with our mother head down to A-1 farms to collect our halloween pumpkins.

Walking through The farm, they sort their pumpkins from smallest to largest, the price increasing with size. I of course always had to have the biggest pumpkin out of us all. My pumpkin also had to be very round and smooth for my carving to be perfect.

After selecting our pumpkins we walk back to our house and lay old newspapers down on our kitchen table so we wouldn't get the pumpkin guts on the table. My dad cuts the top open of our pumpkins and we dive right in to my favorite part. Handful after handful of bright orange slime flying around the kitchen, filling the room with the scent of fresh pumpkin. After our pumpkins were completely gutted and carved to perfection my mom would ask us to pick our the seeds and place them into one bowl, and the guts in another. Mom uses the insides of the pumpkins to make homemade pumpkin pie.

My sisters leave the kitchen and i'm “moms little baker.” i grab most of the ingredients and place them on the counter. Anytime im baking with her, she says “you're great grandma would be happy you love to bake.” About an hour later, the pie is done. My family grabs a slice and tops it off with whipped cream. Just one bite, and i'm in love.

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