Cody and I | Teen Ink

Cody and I

October 2, 2018
By izzy929 BRONZE, Farmington, New Hampshire
izzy929 BRONZE, Farmington, New Hampshire
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

We all have at least one best friend.

My name is Izzy and on the first day of preschool  I walked into the small room. Everything was small for us. When I walked in I saw a boy. He is very tall and skinny, quiet and shy. he has dirty blonde hair and dark blue eyes. He’s very nice and careful, sweet when he talks. He’s very funny when he tells jokes. He is very shy like I was. We started talking and realized we would become good friends. Later that week I was on a bike ride with my mom and we saw him, he lived right down the road from me and I didn’t even know. His name was Cody, we soon became very good friends and we hung out a lot more. Half the year went by, me and Cody became best friends. A few weeks later I told him I was gonna date him ...and I did. In first grade he told me he didn’t want to be my boyfriend anymore and I said, “too bad” and walked away. I felt really bad that I did that. We grew out of it. A year later Cody’s little brother hit me and Cody with a hockey stick and a hockey puck because we wouldn’t let him play truth or dare with us.

“It’s been a long day without you my friend and I’ll tell you all about it when I see you again”

We were best friends all the way until 3rd grade.  Then he moved…. to Texas. He’s been there for about 8 years now I just saw him the most I’ve ever seen him this summer. We had a great time, I miss him so much he is still my first best friend and no one could ever replace him. We talk  more than we ever did when he came up. When I went to his house he threw me into the pool and I laughed. He does that every year. And then our friend Dalton came over on the last day we would see him before he went back home. Dalton and Cody tickled me all day, and we went in the pool. We ended up getting kicked out of the house because we were too loud and we got told to calm down, but we just couldn’t. So we went to the park and Cody tickled me all the way down we hung out there for about a half hour he tickled me back to his house as well.. And our friend Dalton kept saying, “I ship you two ,you two should date”. Me and Cody looked at him and then looked at each other and just kept walking, Cody and I only see each other like once a year so it’s like a treat to see him. Every time I see him I give him a  big hug and tell him I missed him so much. I wish he would come back home.


When he dropped me off at my house I wouldn’t stop giving him hugs. I told him he needs to stay here he can’t go back. And when he gave me a hug he tickled me even more it was funny, I can’t wait to see him again. Dalton is still telling me, “ You should date him for real he doesn’t have a girlfriend anymore”, I keep saying.  “I know but it’s weird plus he lives in Texas”.

“we’ve come a long way from where we began oh I’ll tell all about it when I see you again ...when I see you again”.


Cody was gonna come back home but he had a girlfriend but I want him to come back home  I miss him soooooooooooo much and all his goofy and weird friends are here and we all miss him.  Yes, I do like him but I don’t think he will feel the same way but that’s fine as long as we’re always best friends forever and always. I hope I can go down to Texas and surprise him one of theses days or he would surprise me by coming back home.  

“And every road you take will always lead you home”.


Cody and I always have a good time when he’s here  it’s different when he tickles me because when I say stop he stops I really like him and appreciate him. It’s ok when he picks on my because I know he’s joking.  The song, “See you again” reminds me of Cody because I know I’ll see him again. “It’s been a long day without you my friend and I’ll tell you all about it when I see you again, we’ve come a long way from where we began oh I’ll tell all about it when I see you again ...when I see you again”.  “And every road you take will always lead you home”. I can’t wait till next year when I can see him again.

I learned that no matter where you are or who you are, your true friends are still there. Our friendship is very special to me  because he’s always been here for me and he listens to you and help you get over things if you need help. And I try to help him, if he doesn’t answer me when I text him I think something might be wrong so I ask him if he’s ok when he answers me back. I’ll talk to him if something is wrong and I tell him he can tell me or ask me anything and I’m here if he need to talk about anything I do this to all my friends. I’m very protective of my friends so if they need help I help them. I will use this song if I’m happy or sad because it makes me think of him and I smile every time I talk to him or it reminds me of my friends or my grammy but mostly grammy and Cody.

All three of us have depression and it helps when you can talk about it to  people that understand the pain you go through so I help him and he helps me. When i ask him to cheer me up he does but first he asked me what wrong and are you ok. He’ll talk to me and help. I also learned he will always be there if I need him and he’s the best. I’m so happy he’s one of my best friends he will always be in my heart no matter what.    “love your friend be there for them and they will be there for you.”

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