road trip | Teen Ink

road trip

September 26, 2018
By Anonymous

It was the night me and my family were leaving to go on a trip to Florida. I didn’t want to go on the trip because it would be 24 hours in the same car as my parents and siblings and we don’t get along at all but I wanted to see my older brother because I hadn't seen him much in the last 2 years. We were driving to florida to visit my grandparents and watch my older brother graduate from college. I hadn’t seen my grandparents in 3 years so I was kinda happy I was getting to see them. We decided it would be better to leave at around midnight because there wouldn’t be traffic or anything.

I had packed all my stuff in my bag ahead of time because I didn’t want to  forget and have to pack last minute. I put my stuff in the car along with my headphones, phone charger a pillow and some movies.  It was 11:35, so I sat in the last row of my moms van waiting till my brother got home from work so we could leave. Dan pulled in the driveway at 11:50 and my mom, dad, dalton and dan put their stuff in the car. They got in the van and we left.

I knew it would be a really long drive so I downloaded some games on my phone and made sure I didn’t use my data for the month so I’d have it to use on the drive. We had been on the road for at least 2 hours and my brothers & I got tired of listening to the radio so we put in one of the movies I brought. The ones I brought were The Simpsons, National Treasure, The Bridge To Terabithia, and The Bee movie. We decided to watch the simpsons movie. I had never actually watched the whole movie before but it was fun watching it with my brothers. We sat there laughing and sending each other memes. By the end of the movie I had all fallen asleep because it was 3 in the morning and I had already been up since the day before.

When I woke up we were stopped at a rest stop. I had no idea what time or where we were but but I just wanted the drive to be over. My parents switched seats so now my dad was driving and my mom was taking a nap. I had to listen to the annoying sound of my brother using his vape every 10 minutes. I just wanted to grab it and throw the thing out the window. Since we were all awake we plugged in our headphones to our phones and listened to our own Music. Around noon time my mom & brothers were complaining that they were hungry so we stopped at a burger place to eat. Then we were back on the road and from then till 12am we only stopped for gas.

Since we had been on the road for about 12  hours already we were all getting annoyed with each other. I started fighting with dalton, and then dan started yelling at me to leave him alone so I fought with him too. After an hour of listening to us fight my mom yelled at us. For the rest of the drive we watched movies in silence. We arrived at vacation village in Florida at 12:30Am. We ended up getting a little lost in the last hour of the drive. We checked in the hotel, got In the room and took showers, ordered some pizza and went to bed.

The next day we drove to my brother’s apartment to pick him and his girlfriend up so we could go to his graduation. When we got to the college we met up with my grandparents. Since my brother only had 4 tickets me, my other 2 brothers, and his girlfriend sat in a room nearby And were supposed to watch a live stream of the graduation but we just sat in the lobby and fooled around for 2 hours. When the graduation ended rj and my parents and grandparents were standing outside. I ran up to Rj and give him a big hug while telling him how proud of him I was.

What i learned about my family during this trip is that they are extremely unpleasant people and they are the reason im stressed out and angry everyday of my life.

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